Bad Gallbladder or Nutty Dr????
ok, so this is the scenario.....
for the last month or so I have been having pains really bad (sometimes like a heart attack, sometimes like my back was screaming, sometimes like I had a brick in my intestines that wouldn't move if you get my drift).
I called the Dr office and was told to take the million dollar over the counter stuff, called again told the same thing, called again and finally got an appt ~ after $100 dollars worth of over the counter stuff. So, I went to my doc to see what was up.... I thought maybe it was an ulcer or something or I was just dying....
First he gives me **** because I was smoking (no duh..sorry I have a lot of stress) second he says to go on something heavy duty and stop because it is easier to wean me from drug addiction than smoking addiction (does that make sense??? & my 7 year old needs an adult to take care of him..duh). Also, he points to his little signs and says the exact OPPOSITE of what the Nut said that he sent me to. Go Figure...salads, meats, yada yada...all the stuff that kills me.....!!
US of Gallbladder says something about an enlargement not consistent with my age and to do a LFT and hepobil(something) image and it said that I had an abnormal amount of intestinal gas (sorry gross).
Upper GI says everything is emptying fine and despite my request to the DR and the UpperGI Doctor I see NADA about my capacity of the stoma or how the good ol' intestine where I am connected are doing. (I thought perhaps I had an ulcer at the junction thingy)
So, I have been eating prilosec and malox and everything else and eating pain pills to try to stop the constant pain that weren't even prescribed by this guy because he won't give me anything......
In conclusion..... my thoughts are: this man is nuts... get a second opinion......
Do you all know anything about GB attacks and if mine is over 7mm with a common duct emptying problem are they going to have to suck it out?
And, if long will I be out of work (that will go over like a fart in a submarine I am sure).
Thanks for all of your knowledge and help. You guys are great....and thanks for letting me vent.....
i had no stones but my capacity level was low and when they went in i had a benign tumor they couldnt see on the ultrasound or with they hydascan..i had mine on thurs and was back on monday..desk job good luck and yes second opinion and take if from me...getting off the drug addiction is worse than the nicotine addiction first day of rehab for the lortab addiction from the pain dr's and orthos..i started smoking which was encourage (bad as well I know) but quitting smoking for me was nothing like the hell of the pain med addiction...good luck!!! I will be thinking of you
Thanks for the info!!!
I can't be out for a long time... new software system set up, cash process changes, yada yada yada.... no way I am going to give this baby to someone else to handle.
Also, thanks for the info on the addiction. I thought to myself...this guy is nuts. Lortab, if I were to have one, would be mine trust me. I have been taking them for the pain of this blasted gallbladder......
Thanks for thinking of me.
Thanks Karyn,
I have been told I have a "unique" way of talking... I swear sometimes the redneck oozes out of me. I am so proud....
Thanks and I will try to get a second opinion... I should have done that before having my RNY. I think that wasn't as evasive as it should have been either.... but that's another trilogy....
Hey Val,
Hubby started having upper abdominal pain, non-cardiac chest pain, and awful back pain, especially when he ate or drank anything (even H20). He was a real bear because of the pain that he was in. They put him on muscle relaxers, nexium, naproxin, etc. He was worked up (bloodwork and every other test in the book). GB ultrasound, CT, nuclear medicine hyda scan, mri of spine were all normal. He started burping uncontrollably (about every 10 minutes) 2 weeks later. General practitioner and gastro doc sent him to a surgeon. Surgeon thought that GB was bad even though all of the tests were normal. He took the GB out 4 weeks after it all started and he has been fine since (even the back pain disappeared). They sent his gb off to the path lab after it was removed and tests confirmed a diseased GB. Hope you get it all figured out and feel better soon. A 2nd opinion couldn't hurt.
305/170 @ goal
I am going thru this kinda poopie right now....I am on super strong ulcer meds (thats what gastro doc tells me) carafate and aphilex(sp) anyways they don't always help....I am going for and endoscope this am
I am nervous.....he wants to make sure all is well in the tummy intestines whatever....he says if he finds nothing there......Then I get a hidascan and they are finding even without stones, That an inactive gallbladder can cause just as much problems as a bad one with stones, and they are a lot harder to diagnose......My girlfriend also 2+ YEARS out, had problems that kept getting miss diagnosed, and they finally realized for her that it was also a inactive gallbladder.....she has since had it removed and is doing a lot better
Our bodies are crazy I tell ya! I also have another g/f from the boards who is right now going thru the pain and testing, her endo the other day came back fine too.....Wishing you luck, and keep us updated, as this seems to becoming a trend
take Care
You talking about me, Jesi? If so, I agree. Once they decided my gall bladder wasn't working & removed it, I was all better. My neice recently had all kinds of pain & they too found that her GB is only working at 8%. I suspect it will be coming out very soon & I advised that she have Dr G do it as he's the best in our area, but of course I'm prejudiced.
For the original poster, I had my GB out on Monday, went home on Tuesday (I stayed overnight only because I also had another procedure done) & felt good enough to return to work a few days later. However, my surgeon wouldn't allow me to return until the next Monday.
So, Jesi, how'd it go today? It wasn't bad at all, was it? I'd actually prefer it to the job interview I had and before you ask, it went pretty good. I'll find out by next Friday if I get it & the pay cut won't be as bad as I feared.
I was talking about you
The procedure went fine...apparantly I am hard to keep asleep
Most people get 2 of vercet and are good for the duration of the procedure.....He said they stopped when I kept saying my stomach hurt and they had already given my 8 of vercet
I am always the trouble maker....but I do remember it hurting in my stomach
Oh well....and my throat hurts, but other than that I was okay.....I do have an ulcer (DUH...been taking meds for two years for it) in my pouch......But he doesn't think the ulcer is causing that much pain.....So he already had me scheduled for a GB ultrasound Wed morning, before I even was totally awake. He did biopsy something, he said he would call me with those results.....and if the ultrasound is fine, then he will order a hidascan to see if the dumb thing is working or not
He said my pouch looked good, still small and nothing looked stretched or anything
SO we are going from there I guess. Good wishes going out for the job
Take Care and have a nice and COLD weekend