Doing it honest...
1) some awful crunch bar I bought at Walgreen's as I was running late
2) Turkey Sandwich and 6 whole cheetos as I couldn't find my celery
3) Veggie plate at a cafeteria, probably chock FULL of calories from the pork grease in which it was either cooked, or cooked next to!
Broccoli, Green Beans, Okra and 1/2 of a large white roll.
Came home and had two bites of cabbage and two bites of meatloaf.
Terrible day for me:
2 Buttermilk pancakes with SF syrup.
One container of cottage cheese with "fruit" (if you can call it that, it's like preserves)
32 oz. Propel
Baggie of Fritos
1 SF chocolate turtle
Handful of honey roasted mixed nuts
Today: Starting great 1 fried egg!
Going for the gusto today. I am trying to learn how to eat again. But quite frankly I am terrified that I will just start eating everything. I am taking all the hints from you'all and trying a few more things to eat. Want to still lose another 5 lbs but am at my personal goal weight and am quite happy. I take all my vitamins and my labs are good. I work out faithfully and feel healthy. But want to get some more calories in.
Have a great day!
Im' not going to post what I ate, if I did we would loose 98% of the board from shock.
I don't come to this message board often, normally I do the main board. But today someon posted on there their troubles with eating candy and dieting she was some years post and some 'newbie' posted "people like you scare me" I just flat lost it. I told her its nice she has decided to be 100% perfect and when she is perfect and 2 years out come back and then she can post and I had $5 to be she wouldnt. hmmm I guess Im in a pissy mood today.