Could I be the only one?
"To each his own." For some people, that (preaching) is what works to keep them on the straight and narrow. You have to take what you need from this wonderful support group and just "bypass" the rest!!
Your opinion is always welcome, regardless of whether it may insight differing views. That's whats so great about this whole site.
Good luck with your own website !!!
Karen G

Just an FYI--There are many here who agree with you or have feelings about the main board. For a while this board turned into a "***** about the main board" board. Many determined that really wasn't a nice thing to do--so we have kept our thoughts to ourselves. Or maybe just shared with a good friend or two:wink:.
BTW--I do feel that the tone of the main board has changed significantly since I first joined--but maybe it is just me who has changed. What I do remember is that this website was a huge value to me when I was researching wls.
GOOD LORD I'm tired just reading this post and response... but this is MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! better than the main board
Gotta visit here more often!
I don't have much to say, but the listening sure is good!!!!
And yes, Older and Wiser, I find the main board, well, kinda,... how else do I describe it but streamlined and MAIN???... But I guess that's why it is the MAIN board afterall.
I like spots like this.
Hope all is well with everyone

no your not the only one. I 'broke' yesterday when a 'newbie' responded to an old timer as "people like you scare me" then went on to say "SHE" was never going to eat bad again; I lost it and wasnt very nice in my post - but it was the last straw of people who think they are perfect or going to be perfect and condemn those that have troubles.. so if your the only one there are now two of us!
Ya know this thread is really sad, because anyone who thinks that I think I am perfect, well they obviously dont know me. I have struggled with self esteem and self worth issues that at times seemed unbearable. And anyone who thinks my post are because I think the world centers around me, well again you obviously dont know me.
And well those who think I am a Pollyanna or a Dudly do right. Lets just say there were many times after working a 12 hour shift at the hospital I would come home and rush to my computer to post the eat thread NOT for me, but because I cared!!!
I cared when people werent always getting enough food in, or when sometimes people were stuffing their face with junk food, although they should not of been.
DOes that mean I am preaching---NO. It means that I am trying to help others as people before me helped me.
Honestly I rarely post on this board(grads), and it is simply because of things just like the original poster stated.
People feel like I am preaching or running a commercial. Is it so bad of me to be a commercial for "health"??
I happen to feel blessed that I was able to lose from 354 to 120 and become a healthy person again. I mean I had spent more time in the hospital than out of it. I had been on the brink of a stroke at times, and down in the bed with my initial onset of lupus for 3 months.
So yea I am going to shout it out loud the good that can happen in ones life by "doing right"..Hopefully it will inspire someone to follow their plan and get on track.
I never forgot where I came from in this journey and hope that I never do, and I will hopefully "preach" or run this "commercial" for a healthy lifestyle for a long long time.
I feel like I am stuck in a soap opera lots of times too. And lots of times I feel like I am right back in high school, where everyone is in there own little world pointing fingers.
So I am like a frenchman, a polyanna, a dudly do right and a commercial.
What is the real problem here???