What lab results are most important?
What do you all feel are the most important lab results for us? I have a 2-page fax from my doc's office with my results, but I'm a little clueless on the interpretation. As with most docs, they just tell you that everything is fine, and while I believe this, I'm just a little too obsessive to let it go at that. Any input here would be appreciated.
Not sure what the fax looks like, but normally there is a range listed, so you can tell if the levels are normal, high, or low...
This is a list of recommended lab tests for us:
Here are some links about reading your tests:
Thank you Angie. I will check out these links as I get the time. Yes, my results are listed there with the recommended range beside it. For example, under the "Iron Profile" there are three things listed:
Iron, 73, range 30-160
TIBC, 292, range 228-428
Iron Saturation 25, range 20-50
So I guess we are to assume that when we're within the range, that's a good thing. I just wonder sometimes if the variables for us post-ops are a little different than for the normal population.
Thanks for sharing those links with me.
My undeducated opinion is that we don't have any special ranges... we have to strive to be within the normal range. If we don't supplement right, then we get too low, i.e., iron/b12. Looks like you're a little on the low side with your iron numbers, but still within range... eat some liver to get it up some
Thanks for your response, Angie. I was thinking maybe the iron being slightly low may be what is causing my tiredness these days. I am still taking the dosage recommended by my doc for post-surgery, so perhaps I need to up that and also concentrate on eating more iron-rich foods, as you mentioned. Thanks for posting.
Well, the thing about iron is that you really want the doctor to tell you how much to take. That is one mineral that could be very dangerous if we have too much of it. Most likely it is the cause of your tiredness... I know I had been feeling weak and tired a couple of weeks a while back and asked the doctor to put me in for labs 'cause I thought my iron was low... sure enough... all my iron numbers were down down down
Good luck!
Thanks for the response, Darlene. I guess they are all important, or they wouldn't be doing them all, huh? I think the issue for me is more the interpretation. I tend to obsess about certain things, and wanting to know what they all MEAN is important to me too. Some of the websites that Angie posted have some great info on what the tests mean.