OMG-a new place to hang out!
I'm sure you wouldn't mind sharing the room with my sister and hubby who are coming down too--right:wink: We were just talking about spring training this morning--I can't believe it is here already. Hopefully the weather will warm up nicely-we have had some really cold days this past week. Yesterday on the radio they said that only one spring training game was "officially" sold out so far.
I don't really understand that as we spent the day online trying to score tix when they went on sale (I bet the have singles and SRO). For one game we accidentally bought duplicates for so we're bringing my 4 nephews. The craziness that is Red Sox is just amazing. Kinda disappointing there is no at home games vs. "the evil empire" this spring. LOL! Seriously though--let me know if you get down this way--I love meeting people from OH (especially grads).