Thanks Sass Master!!
I got your e-mail the other day and I'm putting it in the vault...I'm vaulting it!!
Hope you are having a good day and that it's warmer there than it's going to be here in a couple of days...Damn...it's going to be cold again!!!
Be good and fling pudding at someone you love....Cap'n K-Man

Hi Cathy!!!
Just popping in to say 'HI!!' ~ I haven't talked to you in so long! How is everything going with you?? I am doing good, finally lost 100 pounds and have 20 more to go. I must be the slowest loser in history.
I am finally working on updating my profile, finished 2004 finally and will work on writing in 2005 until I finally get caught up. There is at least a recent picture of Mike and I on my profile, though, that was taken on this past New Years Eve.
Hope to talk to you soon!
p.s. Great going on losing those 11 pounds, Ken!!!