Product (my) Opinions
Previously I told someone that the AchievOne Coffee protein drinks tasted like an old sock. Well, maybe it was the ketosis talking cause I had TWO of them today and they rock!
Hi-Health here in Arizona carries them so I stopped in to see what else they might have. Lo & behold they also have my beloved PowerCrunch bars! Anyway, first things first. This store had ONE lonely bottle left, of Vanilla Nut. I LOVED it! The manager is ordering me a few cases, and her price was way better than what I found online, and NO shipping costs yay! Later on in the day I passed a second Hi-Health store, so I stopped in. They had one lonely bottle left of the Cappucino flavor, which is the one I tried before and didn't like. Well, it no longer tasted like an old sock.
However, I still prefer the Vanilla Nut and Mocha flavors instead.
Ok, moving along.
Rockinroll Bars that everyone keeps raving about. I've heard them compared to Payday candy bars, well I do NOT agree. As a matter of fact I think they taste like cardboard. Paydays are salty/sweet, and these are NOT. I ate half of it, even tried putting salt on it, but BLEH. No thanks =)
So even tho the AchievOne drinks are on the pricey side, if I can keep it down to a dull roar (not have them EVERY day) its not too bad.
Anyways, just my opinion on these products =)
Happy Sunday, everyone!
(by the way, I'm crossposting this to Grads, Main, and AZ boards)

Yah, I'm retrying a few things that I didn't like during ketosis. Amazing what that can do to your tastebuds huh? Did it effect your nose too? I remember smells making me nauseated at that time as well. Some still do, but nothing like the beginning.
Those RockinRoll bars are just plain BLEH. I completely missed the fat content on my first read... 16 grams of fat in one bar? GEEZ. I'm glad I didn't like it, I was eating it on the road, and that much fat makes me dump, that would have been fun huh?
When my AchieveOne drinks come in, I will check to see if those Atkins bars are in stock and try one.
I love the Achieve drinks. I wish we had a place here that carried them. The shipping is outrageous. My husband ships all over the country and he even wanted to give them his business UPS account and charge to that but they would not. They are making a mint off the shipping. Unethical. I try to stay away from any "bars" these days since I got into trouble with the POwer crunch bars. I liked them too much and was eating them like candy bars and not meal replacements. NOw I don't even buy them. Good thing I have to travel about 17 miles if I want to even get one and that store is right next to my health club so I think twice about it before I walk in and then I only buy 1 now instead of boxes of them.
hey Lori ... they sell them at a store not far from me ... I could check and see what it would cost for me to ship to you if you'd like ... I do see the nearest "store" to you that sells them is in Loves Park, IL (49 miles away) ... or maybe they'd even ship to you.
Good luck, I have yet to try them.
I ordered a box of the Rockin' Roll bars and am not thrilled w/ them. Definitely won't buy them again. I've eaten a couple of them and will probably gradually chip away at them, but I think they're really bland. Neither salty nor sweet--and in my opinion, not really bad, but not really good either. The only thing good is that I'm not tempted to pig out on them.
The Power Crunch, on the other hand, are pure bliss--I love all the flavors, with choc. p-butter being my favorite. I've had some battles w/ them (overeating them), but I'm about ready to order them again (after not having them in the house for a couple months cause I wasn't able to handle the temptation). My intention is to not eat one til evening--ONLY if I have sufficient calories left--as a special treat.
295/155 (at goal)
Just as a note, I buy all my power crunch bars at the Vitamin Shoppe, both in store and online. That's mostly of what I have ever bought there. You can search for online coupons for them and usually get free shipping and $20 off a purchase of $100. They have a frequent buyer card that gives you points for every dollar you spend, and then they send you an online certificate based on your spending from the previous year. Last month I got a $95 certificate from that frequent buyer card, and with the $20 off $100, I got like 10 boxes of Power Crunch bars for about $5 TOTAL. Woohoo!