Getting it honest..
Well today turned out pretty good. I've been losing my wedding ring lately - it just goes flying off my I think I'm not shooting to lose 10 pounds lol. I really LIKE me as I am right now. ok...well mostly - I don't think I'll ever truly be satisfied with this bod - no matter how much I were to lose. sigh...well anyway - how'd your food day go?
Moz Cheese sticks
Spaghetti, (mostly meat and sauce) made w/ the Barilla Plus thin spaghetti. I really LOVE that stuff! Not 'low' carb, but higher in protein; green salad w/ maters and cukes and cheese.
Sharp Cheese Spread on panetini (I am soo loving this lately lol).
Cheese and caramelized onion omelet
Calories: 2039
Protein: 73
Carbs: 180
Fiber: 34
Net Carbs: TOO DARNED MANY lol
I'm ok with this calorie-load. I think 1900 makes me 'happier', but 2000 is ok. I won't gain on that at least!
Hope your weekend has been a good one!
Hugs, Toots

Nice to see you are liking yourself! That just means that there is hope for me. I haven't really be concentrating on my eating like I should. I was a little behind yesterday. Unstructured days kill me.
Waffle with peanut butter and 1/2 banana
Chicken Enchilda Soup....I just love mexican
Chicken Swiss and Bacon 1/2 sandwich at Paneras
Protein shake
Midnight snack....yogurt with trader joes Granola flax seed mix...(Pumpkin flavor version)
Plenty of fluid....I think I drank the day away. Not a bad thing.
I still trying to find my happy number as well as me....I don't know about you but this journey has opened up so much on me. I need to start focusing on one thing at a time rather than analyzing everything.
Its snowing today so I will work on the resume first! Eating is becoming very secondary for me these days. It could be good or bad....I haven't totally decided which it is...
I was having a grand day (except for food****il I was told that my sisterinlaw (and her child) invited herself to dinner with us. *sigh* This woman and her toddler pluck every last nerve I have.
1. 1 slice of wheat bread, and some cheese fashioned into a grilled cheese sammich. The first I've had in almost 2 years. This was the reminder I needed about why I don't eat bread anymore. BLEH. I was so queasy, I had to lay down for awhile, and it felt like there was a bowling ball just sitting in my belly.
2. 1/2 an apple, and 1/2 cheese stick
3. the other 1/2 of apple and cheese stick
4. popcorn at the movies
5. I just picked at my delicious dinner, because screaming toddlers are not good for my nerves - one bite of chicken, one shrimp, one bite of thai noodles, 2 bites of water chestnut, bean sprouts, 3 bites of coconut ice cream (I ADORE coconut ice cream)
6. 2 sugar free chocolate covered pretzels - my final downfall of the day.... they made me sick *sigh*
Ya know, after reading that, it sure doesn't look like I got many calories in.