can anyone help?
I think your profile answered your own question. Cut down on the carbs and alcohol.
If you've been good for the last 2 weeks and keeping it under (let's say 1200 calories) you should start seeing results soon! Just keep at it and don't get discouraged.
I've been told we can "shock" our bodies into losing weight again by doing a few days of liquid proteins then just lean proteins after that. So they say, but I've never had the willpower to do it, although I'd like to.
Good luck!
thanks! I wish I would have never started again with the alcohol...everyone my age is out drinking...what am I supposed to do at a bar with my friends, its tough. But I can do this...just gotta get motivated again. i know this wasn't gonna be easy.....and its not, its hard as hell!! I can do it!! thanks again!
Leigh Ann
The thing that keeps me from drinking out: there is nothing for me to drink. Beer and champagne has carbonation. I love tequila and occassionally indulge at home w/ my SF margarita mix, but no one ever has SF stuff at bars, and all the other mixers are loaded with sugar. So for me, it's not that I don't want to.... there's just nothing there for me!
Good luck to you. I know you can do it.
Bars all have these items:
1.Club soda
2.Diet Coke (or Pepsi)
3 Diet Sprite (or 7-up)
4 WATER! (add a lemon or lime wedge)
10 Things to do with friends besides bars:
1. Movies
2. Board games
3. play cards
4. dances
5. Roller skating
6. Ice skating
7. Skiing
8. Hiking (snowshoes, anyone?)
9. Camping
10 dining in
I agree with Tee about the things to do. I have an occasional glass of wine; and occasional Margarita, and even an occasional martini. Notice the word "occasional". That makes a world of difference. I lead a pretty straight and narrow life Mon-Fri, and then play a little on Sat and Sun. That's what life is all about, right? Stop beating yourself up and decide just how bad you want this and formulate a plan that works for you, and MAKE it work. Good luck. Missy.
I buy bottled water or coffee when I am out with friends at the bar. I carry Crystal Light and True Lemon flavour packets for my water. My favourite pub has now started stocking Crystal Light and other customers order it too.
Pick dance clubs and combine exercise with your increased water intake. It will help to melt away those pounds.
Karen G
Leigh Ann-Hi there! Nice of you to come visit us over here on the grads board, sorry you are struggling. Hopefully, your pouch is still operating as it is meant to do so you can return to basics and get back to losing again. I know it is hard to be your age and not be drinking and partying--but truly the alcohol is just wasted calories and will definitely inhibit the weight loss--and often lead to bad choices in food as well as life matters too (:wink: sorry that is just the mother in me). I can say that my weight loss pretty much stopped once I started drinking again--luckily I was pretty far out and close to goal, when that happenend.
I remember watching you in Richmond and thinking how hard it must be to be young and have had wls. One thing I did notice in Richmond--many of the people doing the heavy partying were very close to their goal weight and when talking with them they didn't start drinking until later on in the wls process. I guess it comes down to choices. Choosing to be out drinking and partying and being fat or choosing to lose weight. You chose to have wls so your weight must be important to you. When you chose to have wls you must have been prepared to make the difficult choices of not eating and drinking certain things? It is so easy to get off track after a while. Being the straight person can be isolating (it's sometimes entertaining to watch the drunken fools make fools of themselves) but so can being the fat person. It's great that you have done well for two weeks-maybe try eliminating the alcohol too and see what happens? Maybe limit it to one night per week?
How's that for a lecture? I really hate to do that to you. God I still hate lectures- giving or recieving. I hope you can get back on track LeighAnn. Remember to be patient when you are doing the "right" things--eventually the weight will come off--it just doesn't happen "overnight"--just like we didn't gain it overnight. I was a really slow loser and when I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing--I just kept repeating to myself--"it will have to come off--just be patient". You are such a pretty girl and I would love to see you skinny and being able to live the life of a "normal" weight person. OK--lecture over. Take care.
Thanks for the lecture, I do really need it. I do think the alcohol is killing me....its soo hard not to. And theres other issues going on too...i think when I am happy with me...maybe it will be easier, I need to figure out that i am doing this for ME and no one else. Thanks again for all the kind words...I am gonna print this all out so i can reread....
Leigh Ann
Leigh Ann,
Quite uncharacteristic of me,
I Swear!
(((((((((((H U G G)))))))))))
Oh, to be 25 again!
Read your first profile entry and want to say
You are so much more deserving than you can imagine!
Carbs? Shmarbs! No biggie, love 'em and still leave 'em!
Alcohol is my pet peeve.
Part of a story----
I went through about a month
Or a touch more, of "having a little something"
In the evenings in order to get to sleep.
It suddenly dawned on me one day-
"I've had 'a little something' every day for the past 4 ½ weeks."
Every Day........Hmmmmmm...?
That coupled with the Talks at my support group
From folks who had fallen into full out alcoholism,
Combined with the info from my Doc, about how common it was-
One of the reasons that Alcohol addiction/dependence
Is so common among WLS Post-Ops
Is that "need for sleep-aid/relaxation" thing,
That used to be met By Food.
This, according to my Doc.
He's really big on recommending
ANYTHING Else to help overcome the insomnia
That many Post-Ops are met with
Once the comfort foods are gone.
All of that with-
A family history of Alcoholism,
Made me come to a screeching halt.
If I was truly using the Glass of wine or a Beer with my last meal
To help me relax or get to sleep,
Then why the hell not get something that actually
Was prescribed for just that!?!
Something without all of the other
Less than beneficial side effects and problems.
So, asked my Dr. and got-
A little prescription of Trazodone that worked wonders for me.
It's actually an anti-depressant at higher doses or 400+mgs
But at 50mgs it only makes one sleepy.
"IF" I find that I'm not falling to sleep or Relaxing
Then, I have one. (mine are 50mgs)
The great thing about it is that it Works Fast,
Zero Calories,
And it's cheap as dirt.
It's also Non-Addictive.
I haven't had one in 4 weeks,
But still have a bottle full
In the cabinet.
Do I still have some wine or a Beer?
Yep! About once every 4 weeks or so,
Not as just a part of my constant calorie intake.
The alcohol can be so much worse
Than daily trips to McDonalds!
A little nip of "something,"
And the "self-control" may take a vacation
And you can end up making
Worse food choices,
Worse romance choices,
Worse health choices,
Worse life choices, etc......
The Alcohol is a depressant and can keep a tiny depression
Growing and growing.
I know!
It's "Not Like That!"
I know.
It mustn't become "like that."
It happens to people every day
While they are worrying about "other things"
Like a number on the scale.
I read your post and Profile,
And the "Daddy in me," wanted to "run and catch you!"
Like a little girl falling off the swing on the playground.
All I can do is shout out from here-
Try to land on your feet!!
((((((((((H U G G )))))))))!!
Don't Be 27 thinking-
"This wasn't supposed to happen to me."
"This isn't who I am."
It happens,
Again, and Again...
You've got the world in your hands!
Go For it!
You are the Greatest You!
So be That!
It won't be Easy,
But nothing is.
Success is Eventually,
So Much Easier than Failure.
Drop by when ever you need folks to lean on!
Best Wishes-