bourngorno Bellas and bellos
ok as im drinking my coffee looking out my window its like the tundra today here in Boston..ugh 11 degrees..i shouldnt complain because we have really had a mild winter but im a brat whjat can i say..
ok here it goes
any body here who had surgery over 2 years ago that did not have plastics has your body shifted in any way?
i know this sounds bizzare ..
i have gained back 10 pounds from my lowest weight and i am not complaining
im not by any means super model thin im in size 10s and sometimes gaps jeans are a 12 figure that out but thier khakis are 10s..
i can wear ameduim top but wear a large to hide the rolls..
if i had plastics id be a lot thinner but i aint going there..
qwestion all of a sudden it seems my stomach area has gotten more rolls ..
i tried on a pair of cordaroys from last winter in fact 2 pairs and the rolls pop up but my other cordarouys dont pop up the skin..maybe its the make or maybe the slacks shrunk but im getting panacking because i do what im supposed to do..the only thing i do wrong and maybe i shouldnt is eat 3 fruits a day
i do eat a banana, apple, and a orange
i find if i eat those it curbs my sweet tooth instead of eating a candy bar
and who said this was easy?
well gotta go have a good day
lifes a ride enjoy it
Good Morning JoAnn,
Boy this is very strange...I am only 17 months out but I thought the same thing. My tummy area is doing strange things.
I am going to do PS in April and June. I think I am out of my mind when I think of what I am going to do and go through. Lord let it be worth it...
Have you tried some of the body girdles? I find they give me a smooth look with clothes on
Have an awesome day, it's cold here in Chicago as well.
Take care,