my family pic is on my profile
LOL Toots. Here was my thought when she mentioned the teens being upset...My husband, the oldest of 8 children, has a picture which adorned his mother's wall before she passed away. It is the ENTIRE family dressed up in Pilgrim costumes. No big deal right? The problem is he was around 17 in the picture. In a million years I wouldn not have gotten my kids when they were 17 to dress up in costume for a picture.
The subject of that picture would frequently come up at family gatherings--as they stared down at us. Even his siblings were amazed he agreed to do it.
I don't know how they got him to do it--clearly my husband and I are very different people. When I mentioned it this morning he said something about it being a very big celebration of his church's birthday.
Money orientated? when my kids were in school I finally stooped so low as to bribe them financially for A's. It worked.