Update: Ive been Lying...
So i took in all the emails that i recieved from the other day... about the doc puttin me on prozac and how i have been lately with my mental problems... welp the gyno says now that i didnt need to be on prozac for my PMDD she said that she was sorry... anyway she says that i need to be on hormones... so they are removing the IUD (10yr) and inserting the Mirena (5yr) IUD that has hormones in it... The prozac has left me feeling empty and depressed... so now til it is out of my system (which can take 2-4 wks) i get to feel like crap..... Superman knows that something isnt right when i refuse to have sex and especially when i have no emotions... I started cryin last night and havin vivid dreams of my rap that took place back in 99 ... on top of that he woke me from my bad dream and i came up swingin at him ( i thought that he was the rappist) The doc also said that this could be the reason why i am only gettin 3-4 hrs of sleep a night... PLEASE all i am asking that if a doc puts you on Prozac to make sure this is really what you need... If it hadnt been for SUPERMAN telling me NO More Prozac i am pretty sure i would had just thought that this emtyness was my problem or a phase but its not... it was bc i have been on the wrong meds... So now i am to ween myself off the prozac... i just cant stop taking it bc it could cause major problems. Thank you all for responding and pointing me in the right direction.
Hey there, I completely hear you. I was on Prozac for something like a year when they decided ya know..lets check her thyroid levels. Then I got the "Oh gee, we were wrong, we just thought because of the brutal divorce and the tiredness...you were depressed." HOLY KERAP - give me a break people. Dang doctors just like to give out drugs prior to really digging into other possibilities.
Once you're off it you'll feel like a dream when it's all gone from your system. I hated the violent reactions it made me have and well....because I didn't need it of course it wasn't doing what it should have been doing.
Prozac free for ....A LONG TIME....YEAH!!!
i hear you on the Prozac. It is evil. I took it for about two years then I started having episodes of pure rage. not like me at all. If my husband said anything at all hateful to me, I would fly into a rage and if I had a gun in my hands, I would have shot him no doubt about it. being a nurse, I relized that it was because of the Prozac plus I had read all the reports and seen of the news about people commintting murders while on this and it was linked to their taking Prozac. I know it works for some people but you really have to be careful. It took two years or longer for me to start having these "spells".
The doctor didn't wean you off of Prozac??? She just told you to stop taking it cold turkey? If that's the case I'd get a second opinion...as with ANY anti-depressant you cannot stop it suddenly...dangerous stuff...
I don't know why you need the hormones...but my doctor was explaining to me that with the IUD (Mirena) the hormones do not go through your system...they are "local" only...so it doesn't help with PMS or whatever it is you need help with.
Hugs, Paola