Good Sunday Morning!!!
It's another beautiful day in Tuscaloosa today. I'm up, having my second cup of coffee and later I will have my banana, that I'm allowed on my "diet"! I forgot to weigh this morning before drinking my extra large cup of coffee, so I will wait till tomorrow morning to see if I've but a dent in my weight with this "diet"! This has not been easy for Jill or me, but we're trying. Hey, heck....anything is worth a try. Tomorrow we get BEEF!!! We've already got steaks out thawing for our BIG day tomorrow for BEEF and tomatoes. Oh, and and the lo cal soup!
I've already been in the kitchen getting ready to prepare DH and DD lunch. They are having stuffed chicken breasts and baked potatoes. Sounds yummy to me, since I haven't had ANY meat in 4 days now.
We will be getting ready to go to church soon. Please, please, whether you go to church or not, please continue to keep Joie Culpepper (the wife of Randall Culpepper who has a very contagious viral infection), Randall and their family in your prayers along with all the other many prayer requests on this board. Please pray for Lindy's (Dixie Chick) son as well, as he undergo's some more testing.
Today is the Lord's day, rejoice and be glad in it.
God bless,
I haven't thought of Randall Culpepper for a long time. He ought to be on the grad board posting! Anyway, I'm sorry his wife is not well and will be happy to add her to my list of people for whom I'm praying. It seems like a LOT of people on my list have cancer lately!
I had a banana earlier and that was quite a treat, but that coffee sounds wonderful right about now because it's so cold here! It's even hard to type because my fingers don't really want to move!! And this is Florida!