Sleep eating
I'm with Lynda, I do not get up to eat, I get up to Pee, and I seems to wake the eat me trolls when I flush the toilet. Hmmm...will try not flushing tomorrow.
I'm not missing any calories I do not think, I am usually at 1400-1700 by time I go to bed , I am at a normal BMI, at goal, and technically maintaining, but my head says if I lost 5 more pounds then the eat me trolls wouldnt bother me as much...sigh.
If I have a sweet drink by the bed, it usually does the trick (water, even flavored won't cut it), last night it was orangle crystal light and I didnt go downstairs. Night before it was tea. Definitely a work in progress. For me just a head hunger battle I will be fighting for life.
I did notice when I was holding my calories to under 1000 about 2 mnths ago, I stopped losing weight, when I upped it to 1400 and splurged into 1600 I lost another pound or two initially and then stabalized. Seemed at that point I was starving my body and it wanted more calories based on my exercise routine. It was a big jump in calories, which worried me but its been that for over 2 mnths now and I am maintaining.
Babbling again