Dr. Phil yesterday on skin removal
Dr. Phil had one of those days devoted to weight loss. I was drawn in by the preview of someone with a large weight loss and excess skin. The first guest lost more than 100 pounds "the regular way" with lots of thanks to Dr. Phil for his book. I admit to being a fan of Dr. Phil on other fronts, but I am really bothered by his whole weight loss movement, because I think it is a re-packaged version of all the things that never worked for me long term for the last twenty years, with a big dose of "you've just got to DO IT" added on top to make people feel guilty if they can't.
My neighbor rang my bell and dropped something off. Having good manners I turned off the T.V. and visited. I was disappointed that after she left and I went back - the skin removal story was passed. Did anyone see it?
Yesterday just happened to be the very day I went to buy a bathing suit. I have been feeling pretty darn good about they way I look, but I have to tell you I was truly upset after that experience. Now I know that the experience of trying on bathing suits is REALLY BAD for just about any woman, not just us WLS lost a hundred pounds folks. That awful lighting and three way mirror! Some of you can relate though that my morale took a hit in a big way. The tankinies (sp?) did me no favors, the one pieces had my panni protruding out of the leg openings, the two pieces are out of the question. I was very skilled at not seeing how big I was when I was over three hundred pounds so long as I kept it to a glance in my mirror at home. The same thing would happen on the rare occasion I found myself in a fitting room back then.
I suspect that such a strong emotional feeling about this sagging skin is probably normal and justified. It has connection to the whole experience of my obesity. I feel guilty to feel so bad about it when I compare it to being over three hundred pounds, but there it is.
The only reason I subjected myself to the fitting room bathing suit thing is because I am going to Hawaii next week. I have one bathing suit already that will suffice, but I need to shake off this dismay at viewing myself in ten different suits. I'm so happy to be taking this trip with my family and will enjoy everything from fitting in the airplane seat with ease to dancing the hula!
patty..when i bought my bathing suits last year i ened up buying sartons and light cover ups to wear for when i got off the lounge chair or water..
i know we are all self consience aboiut the extra skin but the surgery is no joke either ..
i am scared **** to have the plastics and ive accepted my sharpiue legs and tummy and saggy breasts ..i look at it like this when i was obese i was embaressed to wear a bathing suit and now im thinner i sure aint gonna make some saggin skin bug me,
so run in the water and lie down on chaise lounge get the sun..when your up walking around throw a sarong on or cover up...believe me people are enjoying thier vacations so much i dont think they are looking at anyone else..enjoy your trip you earned it
cioa bella
Dr. Phil agreed to pay for plastic surgery for that woman, because she hated the way she looked since her weight loss. I know there are thousands of others out there, just like that woman, who can't afford plastic surgery, hate their new sharpei skin and have no insurance to cover the cost of surgery. Too bad only one woman was helped.
In my opinion, that woman was emotionally weak. She had low self esteem. No confidence. All the surgery in the world won't restore those feelings.. (..unless she was just faking it to get a freebie !!)
Karen G

I did see the last couple of minutes when the plastic surgeons were talking and I did pick up that this woman seemed way more screwed up emotionally than any body lift would help. I'm bummed out in a dressing room, but I feel happy and loved and would say my self esteem is healthy despite it all. Too bad that good T.V. usually requires extremes or people wouldn'****ch.
Patty, no matter about the sagging skin, you will still look better in a bathing suit now than at 300+ pounds; we're just even more self-critical now. My first post-op swimsuit was also a challenge to find, buy I was lucky to come across a shop that really knows how to pick suits for the "mature female body" and sales associates *****ally knew how to sell them. To boot, they prices were between $56 and $100, not cheap but not out of sight. I tried on a dozen and could have walked out with at least 4 of them and been happy. The one I did buy had a soft overall print--nothing too specific--leg openings cut very modestly, and the front was sheered horizontally with a center band down the center that held the sheering in place. That center band then splits at the top of the bustline and veers off into rather wide shoulder straps that were widely spaced as well, so my body looked more balanced that it really was. Like Joann mentioned, I too bought a sarong--just a cheapie I found at Wal-Mart but get compliments on all the time. It's just a short, rather sheer one.
Several months ago I had the panni removed (yippee!!!!) and thought I might buy a different suit--but the first one still looks great. Now, If I could just find sarongs for those arms I'd be pretty happy!
Lucky you!!! What's with all those high cut leg openings? I also have been waiting for the short cropped tops to go out of style. I just would feel more comfortable with it skimming the top of my thighs instead of having the whole stomach area on display. Where are the eighties when you need them? Well not the shoulder pads, but the longer tops?!?
I completely empathise. I was horrified by my pannus, well actually I had 2, one to my thighs and another that lapped over my BB. It also fell thru the legs on swimsuits. I compensated by getting a suit with out high legs, and bought a pair of swim shorts at walmart to wear over. My hideous thighs still showed but not the pannus.
getting the belt lipectomy did more for my body image and self esteem than losing 130 pounds did. I looked at the hanging skin and felt it looked at least as bad as weighing 260, if not worse.
I know the strong healthy thing to do is just put on the suit hold my head high and go have fun and that others are too busy worrying about how they look in a suit to really care what we look like. I am just not that confident.
I feely admit I am weird, but I wore a swimsuit with out thought when I was 260+, I said right out - anyone who doesn't like it can kiss my fat A$$
I feel so much more pressured about appearance issues. I don't know why. I am in therapy so maybe I will figure it out someday. It doesn't mean I am ungreatful for the weight loss I am thrilled to be healthier and able to exercise etc. It was just easier a lot of times to be the invisible fat woman.
Thank you for understanding this distress. After a decade of dealing with being so fat I can't imagine why I would feel so strongly about the sagging skin, but I do. When your so fat it is a public and personal problem, but when you are wearing a size 10 and can look and feel fairly fabulous - nobody even suspects a thing. The only one in the know is me, my mirror, my husband and you guys. It's so helpful to be able to talk to you all, because I really don't like to point out my despair about my body image to my dear husband, because with him I am too busy enjoying all of the good stuff that has come as a result of my weight loss.
I am looking forward to getting the reconstructive surgery ASAP - which will have to wait for the finances.