negative article on aol about gastric by pass (you dropped the colon so it wasn't clickable lol).
Anyway, I read it - I didn't consider it particularly negative, considering how negative some articles have been recently. I did find it hilarious that the er um author (wouldn't call them a journalist!) listed GAS as a 'complication'. So all human have complications???
doesn't every living human have gas?
"Everyone passes gas, generally at least 12 or more times a day."
gotta love Mayo Clinic, their website is a wealth of information
OMG once they wanted to suspend my son because he had passed gas in class and they were certain he was doing it on purpose, can you believe that?????? They had told him NOT TO DO IT. In the meeting between the teacher and the principal and myself, I asked them, "did YOU ever try to keep a fart from slipping out and were YOU successful?????"
Needless to say, my son was in class the next day.