Stupid Post.
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 3:30 am - Las Vegas, NV
on 1/4/06 3:30 am - Las Vegas, NV
I know there are more important things to worry about in life. If you are going to tell me this, then look in the mirror, because if this is not worth my effort, then replying to it has got to be worth even less effort.
NO, this is not a newbie vs Oldbie thing. Nor Men vs Women. Nor anything vs anything.
There is no way to say this without being an Ogre (fortunately, I am), and there is no time to say it that it won't offend SOMEONE, but it is something I have been pondering...
This does not only apply to this board, in fact, I was going to post it to another board, but then someone posted there, and I did not want to appear to be talking about them specifically (which I'm not, nor is that my intent). So I opted to do it here. I've noticed the same thing on other OH topic-specific boards.
The 'Mens Board' is intended to be a place for men to discuss men's issues. More frequently, we are getting women posting TO the men. When it first started, many women posted their to prove they could, sorta like they were giving men permission. Many posted to say they wouldn't
The 'Grads Board' is intended for folks 1 year out to discuss issues specific to them. More frequently, we are getting newbies and pre-ops posting TO the grads.
The same happens on the other OH boards.
There are really no 'rules' against anyone posting on any board, it seems more of a 'courtesy' that is more and more being disregarded. However, even the 'rules' are being disregarded often, most noticably in posts on politics and religion. Often, they preface the post with "I know this is against the rules..." so it's not a "not knowing better" thing.
I am on a few other topic (non-OH) boards, and this does not seem to be nearly the issue it is here. Somehow, the informal lines between boards seem to be honored.
So, I got to wondering... Is it part of the MO mentality that rules don't apply to 'me'? Why does this seem unique on OH? Is OH itself to blame for loose/quixotic enforcement?
Then I got to wondering... Is it part of the MO mentality that I even care? Perhaps I am too rigid? (This would not be news to me). Perhaps I am alone in even noticing?
Obviously, no one would tell individuals "Don't Post Here." It was tried on the Mens board, and created a fire storm of hate. For the record, I am not saying "don't post here." I am asking Why.
I am also aware that I have violated OH rules. So it very much is a case of Pot and Kettle.

on 1/4/06 3:51 am
on 1/4/06 3:51 am
You'd think folks could be creative enough to create a quick profile that would seemingly allow them the "right" to post on different boards of his or her chosing. It's not that hard!
And I admit to excitedly posting that my husband won his bid for re-election Nov. 2004. I hope that doesn't qualify as interjecting politics as I did leave out the office or political affiliation... or maybe I just figured the rules didn't apply to me?
p.s. I'm TEASING about the creating forum-based profiles in case my pixels didn't convey that clearly enough.

Don't have a clue.
This is the only "board" of any type
That I've ever read or posted on.
So I have no comparisons.
You're not alone in "Noticing"
"Stray" posters but -
Care one way or another?
I'm undisturbed by it.
I assume that these boards are read by many
That never even think about replying.
So "they" are here, even if they are not "here."
As to MO mentality?
Toooooo Broad a range of MO people to
Even think that there could be such a predilection.
See Ya 'Round the Boards!
Best Wishes-
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 5:12 am - Las Vegas, NV
on 1/4/06 5:12 am - Las Vegas, NV
You're right, we can't brush everyone with one MO stroke. Yet...
It is something that does not happen on other message boards that I frequent. This is the only place that is/was 99.9% MO folks, the others select different attributes.
This is the only board that I frequent where the boundries are crossed frequently, so I wonder what it is that makes/allows it to happen "here," and not "there".
WLS boards in themselves are very different than others, in that "Off-Topic" is allowed/encouraged on virtually every board. Most boards have a section for "off-topic" posts, often it is the busiest part of the board.
It makes sense in a warped kind of way though, that if Off-Topic is encouraged, how could anyone or anything be out of place on any board.
Does it bother me... not really. I recognize that even if they don't post, they are there/here. Guess that's the 'courtesy' part of the thought.

Whether it is the ubitiquitous restaurant card or dog owners whose dogs are too special and well trained for a leash (my personal peeve) or to be left at home, there are people who have an entitlement to be excused from whatever the prevailing rule or custom is.
We can talk about how kids are allowed to be noisy and obnoxious in a social situation (pssst: babysitter) or we can talk about posting to any given message board. Old people seem to have been especially bitten by the entitlement bug. Whatever it is, it's never enough, you know?
I suppose there are levels of rudeness and inconsideration anywhere and MO and formerly MO people are no exception.
My guess is that we are no better or worse any any other segment of the population when it comes to this.
I do think MO people are angrier than most but have no data to back that up. It's just an observation.
You asked for thoughts and those are mine.
Live and let live.
(deactivated member)
on 1/4/06 5:19 am - Las Vegas, NV
on 1/4/06 5:19 am - Las Vegas, NV
I hadn't connected it with a sense of entitlement, but that makes sense.
Obviously, it takes a very small number of people to cross the boundries before the boundries are moved or removed. We've seen it time and again in society, as you illustrated.
Live and let live, sounds good. It takes an amazingly small minority to mess that idea up.
i think the best course of action for those "strays' is to ignore them. I do. When I see someone say, I'm just a week out but wanted to post here, then I just scroll on by and hope others do the same. Once I redirected someone (very nicely) back to the main board. I simply told her that the issues she was having at her stage out would be better answered by someone in her same situation and that would be on the main board and not the grads board. i think if they are ignored, they will eventually get the message. I mean, heck, this board is for us. Same with you guys on your men's board. There are things we share over here that are better not shared with new people.