Thanks for posting about this subject. I am only 5 months out and I do frequent this board for one reason and one reason only, to find out how those who are "long term" are doing. I enjoy reading the post and I did get a little discouraged with all the complaints. I will still continue to visit this board because of the wealth of knowledge, but this will probably be the only time that I responsed because I feel I have much more to gain from all of you from just listening. I thank you for your post and wish you much success in your journey.
Joyful 1
If we had had a grads board when each of us was a new post-op, what would the grads have been saying about us?
Certainly there are surgeons out there who do not have a great pre-op/post-op support/program, and there are patients who aren't willing to be compliant even if there is a great program given to them. I someteimes start to reply and then kill it, giving up on what seems like just another person looking for "permission" to do whatever they want because they don't like what they are supposed to be doing. Yet, in the years I've been involved in the WLS scene, from just researching 5 years ago to now almost 3 years post-op, I've come to learn more about the amazing and challenging problems of food/eating addiction, and more about the number of people who truly don't have a local family-friend support system, and the desaparation some people have in overcoming this terrible addiction, than I would ever have imagined possible. So even if I decide not to reply, or kill the reply I've started, I know that I have no right to judge the person asking the question or making the comment, and I try to to make those responses I do post honest and forthright--obviously from my perspective and experiences--and encouraging.
In fact, I think what a lot of people come to the board about is somewhat less than information and more reaching out for some kind of support, some thread of strength that they can borrow for a while to get over whatever hurdle is in front of them.
So, I agree, Joann, that there is a lot of unnecessary drama, on both sides, but it is sadly the way so many message boards go, not matter what the subject that brings them together.
May we start 2006 with peace and respect for one another.