almost 4 yrs post op and still amazed
It still amazes me how different things are for me as a post op....than when I was obese. I just spent most of my day two different malls. Before I had my surgery and lost the feet would have been way too painful for me to do even one mall. I used to sit on a bench and wait for my daughters to finish shopping. Today... they had to come find me. It just sort of hit amazing that is ......all that pain....and I am not really all that tired.
If I would have had to completely self-pay-
Knowing what I know now?
My feet could have gotten together
To come up with a way to pay!
I used to say, when my feet hurt-
(Which was always)
"Of Course they Hurt,
A fat man has been stepping on them all day!"
I never knew how big of a difference it would make.
I used to be so focused on making sure that I wore
"Just the right shoes."
I can pretty much walk all day in any old shoe
With out it being even a thought
Let alone a serious concern.
Would do it again for the feet alone!
And I can barely hear my feet yelling-
"Yes! Yes!
Over the Roaring applause from my Knees!

Best Wishes-