Leftover Leftovers let blah blah come over......
I cook exactly enough of everything that is NOT on my food plan for those present. Therefore, there are no left over bad things. Thank God, because it is too damn hard to eat the bad things if they are there in front of me.
If, however, I cook a huge amount of food and there is an over abundance that I know will not get eaten, I cruise around with the stuff in the car [no, I am NOT a wierdo]. You would be amazed at the amount of homeless and starving people living on the streets who will appreciate some good hot food, and some cookies and stuff!
I learned long ago, to fix my plate, and even before I sit down to eat it; FLUSH the rest ! Now I have learned NOT to cook enough to feed a hay crew !
Holiday wise; I baked about 200 cookies, different kinds. I KNOW I can't EAT them, but no body said I couldn't BAKE them !
I fixed tubs of cookies for ALL the neighbors and gave them away the next day for their Christmas gifts ~! I think I have 8-10 here for me.
Christmas Dinner for me & the cat was Filet Mignon, cold boiled JUMBO shrimp, and Oyster soup ( well, didn't get that any where near finished,,,the old girl just can't do dairy, but the smell was lov-erly ! )
New Years will be the Surf & Turf again.