Leftover Leftovers let blah blah come over......
on 12/29/05 1:28 am
on 12/29/05 1:28 am
.--. . .-. .... .- .--. ... / -- . ... ... .- --. . ... / .. -. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -. --- - / -... . / .--. ..- .-.. .-.. . -.. / .- ... / .-. . .- -.. .. .-.. -.-- .-.-.- / .--- ..- ... - / .- / - .... --- ..- --. .... - .-.-.-
I'm thinking Morse code may be the answer to eliminating posts being pulled --- ya think?

Very interesting post, DX (sorry, I'm very new to this list and don't know you're name!) -- I'm trying to maintain 214 lb. weight loss and it is becoming increasingly difficult. We have mu*****ommon, would love to talk to you off list. Have you maintained all of your loss since surgery? You look fabulous! Take care, Maureen
Thanks for the complement!
I've gone from 385 to 179 and I've been holding there
For right at 9 months now!
So far so good, We'll see in a few more years.
I did have a rough "take off" (profile)
But for a while now-
It's been a Joy!
Drop a line out anytime! I'm obnoxiously open about
"My Journey," just not an e-mailer. I lose them everytime.
Bad e-mail karma....
See you round the boards!
Best Wishes-
I have been out of town for the holidays so I didn't have to deal w/the leftovers in my home. I stayed at my cousins and left the day after Christmas. I had some leftovers from our Christmas Eve gathering on Christmas Day. I'm in a hotel now and head home on New Years Day! I brought some allowable foods for myself and haven't had much of an appetite lateley, so I'm doing great in regards to eating right this holiday season. It feels great to be on track again. It also feels great to be able to post today. Hubby and I got a lap top as a combined Anniversary/Christmas present to each other. Now I have access to the internet while traveling.
Good topic Dx!
I hosted my families 2 celebrations & had so many leftovers. I find that I can leave everything alone as long as it doesn't contain walnuts. Actually dumped on banana nut bread and I never dump, well almost never. I've boxed most of the sweets up & will send them out to the frig in the barn for my husband & son to snack on while milking. I threw out some dips & the rest are going tonight. The meat will be used eventually. Right now they are in the freezer.
I am having a horrible time staying away from sweets. I'm working on it today though. So far, I'm doing pretty well.
I have both a selfish and a "make a difference" method of dealing with large quantities of leftovers...
several years ago I was the Director of a program that among other things, on XMAS brought volunteers together with agencies that served the economically marginalized by ways of cooking/serving/entertaining/creating holiday crafts/delivering gifts to the homebound, etc. It was then that I learned the true meaning of "saving one life...saving the world" kind of thinking. For the past several years I have donated my leftovers to one of two shelters in my community. One of the facilities is for women and children who are either seeking shelter from an abusive relationship or homeless due to the cycle of poverty. The other shelter is an all mens facility with clientele ranging from those battling mental illness, to homelessness, to addiction, etc. As I cooked a gourmet meal for 45 (2 beef tenderloin w/salted herb crust, smoked turkey, pasta w/meatballs, latkes, assorted crudite, homemade applesauce, brownies, oatmeal-raisin cookies, banana breads...) I mostly had the men's shelter in mind. I knew that the women were taken care of on Xmas from the program I created a few years ago. I know that there are now strict regulations with regard to donating food, but having built the relationship the agencies they gratefully accept!
So...call me a lifer in the overworked and underpaid world of not for profit...but at the very least my family can do without in order to help make a difference if even for one day.
On tuesday I announced last call on the junk food (ie cookies) and my family was greatful to see it go bye-bye. to the garbage cans in the garage. Then I thoroughly cleaned the fridge and made some sf jello. I did find on last bag of peanut butter blossoms oin the basement freezer and they are On hold for now.
Christmas eve was at my inlaws and I made a HUGE pan of lasagna and insisted everyone take home some.
Christmas dinner was shrimp sauteed with olive oil, a ton of garlic and a splash of white wine over angel hair pasta so not too bad for leftovers. I had to work so I needed to make something that was fast and easy after work.
so we are going back on the straight and narrow.