Leftover Leftovers let blah blah come over......
Hey girlfriend!!!!!
How was your cruise? I'm yet to go on my first one. I was to go on one in May w/our ladies ministry for their 20th anniversary, but since we are moving to Colorado and having revisions done the end of April, it isn't going to be possible. I hope you had a blast. Let us see pic's when you get a chance to post them.
Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that your New Year will be the best of all!
PS I'm trying to get use to this lap top we got. The keyboard is not quite the same as my home PC. I know I will get use to it the more I use it. Since hubby is working 12 hr. shifts for the next few days, I will be able to be on here a bit more. See ya around!
Thankfully I don't have to deal with a fridge full of leftovers. We went to the inlaws for dinner. There were lots of good choices for me, and I did well.
I got drunk on jello salad. Yup! Grandma said it was sugar free, celery, cranberries, sugar free jello. Well I had some and was feeling "weird". Like I had taken a shot of my favorite tequila (pre-surgery). Mellow, nice.. but totally unexpected.
So I said wow, I feel like I'm getting drunk. And Grandma says, "Oh honey, theres port wine in the jello!" HAHAHAHA
I feel silly asking people whats in everything, but this is a good example of why!
Oh and those sugar free chocolates have been done away with. I'm back on the wagon =)
Well DX all I have to say throw them away!!!!
I have decided that there are many sins to be committed... do I want to commit the sin of throwing away food or the sin of gluttony or the sin of suicide by overeating? I pick the sin of throwing away food, if I had done this thirty years ago I would not have ended up needing WLS.
Oh well we all can learn from our mistakes. Our Mom's weren't always right and short of being able to send this food to starving people out it goes.
Dx...how I avoided leftovers this year is to let someone else do the cooking at their house. This year my son's and their wives did it all and I only made some brocolli thing...which I ate!!! I did not bake...allow baked products in the house....1st time in well over 25 years I was not a slave to the kitchen or baking and such...and you know what? This Christmas set a precidence....NO MORE HOLIDAY COOKING!!
Happy New Years to you!

I'm single and go to other people's houses for the holidays, so I can avoid tons of leftovers that way. I give away all the leftovers from whatever I bring to the party, and don't take any leftovers home from whatever else was served. In that respect, I have it very easy.
I can't keep sweets around or I will eat nothing but until they are gone. Once the first taste gets in my mouth, the little voice in my head starts in again "ooh, that was good, go get more...". I have made other modifications to my behavior over the last 2 Christmas seasons.
I used to make ALL the traditional family favorite cookies, plus new experimental cookies, tons and tons of them. Lots to give away to the houses I visit, and lots to keep for me (which eventually I ate). This year, I made 1 kind of cookies, enough for a cookie exchange, enough for a large bin for my brother (they are his favorite), and a tiny little bag for me. I didn't make my favorite cookies at all. I made fruitcake, doused it well with rum, and gave it away to a friend who loves it.
The cookies that I received from the cookie exchange went to my brother's house, although I did eventually eat 2 of the 11 dozen I received. After I'd fallen that far, I realized again that I cannot survive with that stuff around, so I packed up the rest and put them out in the garage, where they froze, awaiting delivery on Christmas Day to my brother and his teenagers.
I am going to try to take the recipe that I did make (date nut bars) and redo it with Splenda and almond flour to see how it works. The recipe is held together with eggs, so I'm thinking it might work out OK. That way I could have a small treat on occasion with the dates and nuts and avoid the sugar and flour. I'm hoping that the elimination of the simpler of the sugars will stop them from calling my name when done. If the recipe works, I'll post it.
Sue O.
I guess I'll behave and post nice nice since my last post got pulled. Sherry and I have to put our forks away and no more venting allowed on this forum, or any forum. Now I am officially one of you!! Anyway, I just brought in a huge plate of sweets to work, which they totally love. I was on a baking frenzy this year(gave MOST of it away hehe) and these are all the leftovers and also some that were given to us. I hate to waste---got that from my Mom. The freezer is a great tool for those leftovers. Package them up in meals and there ya go. We had dinner at a friends, so I have just the bit of spinach gratin leftover, which I love heated up with some poached egg(like German style creamed spinach w/egg sans the mashed potatoes). I made Ina Gartin's recipe but used FF half and half instead of the heavy cream she calls for. It was delish! Ok, did I behave?