Leftover Leftovers let blah blah come over......
omg leftovers ..yeck..............dx i sent some leftovers to work with my husband yestrday to work..i had a huge container of calamatis with linguine and a plate of shrimps..
so i stopped and bought some dixie plates and plastic forks and told jimmy to bring it to the guys..
they enjoyed it ..i think i cooked more christmas eve than i did christmas day..christmas day was very simple there was only me hubby and daughter ..i made meatballs brishola and pork in my gravy and had fresh fettucine. i made eggplant parm which wont be wasted and a antipasto..
hubbys been eating eggplant for lunch he loves it so thank god for that..i taqste the stuff but cant eat like i used to and then theres always bella our dog who will eat anything that isnt dog food..
i still have spinch calzone left which i think im sending to work again and broccili rabes ..im so sick of food im sick of cooking last night i made a boring meatloaf, mashed potatoes and peas .. and eneded up eating a peanut butter sandwich ..you figure it out i cant..
i guess food dont rule my life like before ..
you have a great day i hope you got my email expolaing my actions
take care

if you can put up with my crazy dog you are more than welcome! anytime the invatation is always open..
id even make you a christmas eve dinner in the summer if you and judy ever get up here!
JoAnn --------your tag team partner!
oh the bowl had a place of honor on the dinner table! shrimps with vingar peppers were in it! see you were there in spirit might not been physically but you were there************8
and on christmas morning i used it to make my meatballs and put my meatballs in it after!

Hi JoAnn,
I'm in your state of Mass. and hubby and I went to Boston yesterday. It was my first time there. Lots of things to see in so little time. I thought of you, Lynda M and Rita yesterday. I saw the statue that the three of you took a pic with. The guy with the cigar in his mouth. HeHe. I wi****ook a pic w/him too and say, hey girls, I have a pic w/that guy too.LOL.. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you yesterday. You have an awesome city!
LOL Jeannie--the guy with the cigar--that would be Red Auerbach--a hero in Boston Celtics sports history. Of course--having been a former resident of the "evil empire"--you probably wouldn't know that. Hope you enjoy Johnny Damon--I think he may lose his powers with his new haircut--just like Sampson. So glad you were thinking of us. I have missed you lately. Been thinking of you and wondering how things were going for you. Hope you had a great Christmas.
My cruise was awesome--can't believe you have never been on one. What a great family vacation. I promise to get some pictures up really soon. It was a little sad though--there was a lady from Miami who died while scuba diving in St Martin. We didn't hear about it til the next day--but it was definitely sad.
The weather is pretty cold here--just a little colder than it is up there--lol. When will you be back in Orlando? Have you been to Colorado Springs yet for house hunting?
Hmm-how to avoid leftovers-definitely a problem for me. I have done really well keeping busy and limited myself to only one piece of splenda apple pie daily. So my first instinct is to say I did pretty well, then I look at the remnants of a cinnamon roll sitting on the arm of my chair and realize --not really.
Most of my leftovers are in the garage refrig-so out of sight out of mind works sometimes.
You are right though--lacing the motivation of that extra weight makes it more difficult to stay focussed. My husband has decided to focus on losing weight (he started on the 26th) and he has made much better choices than me since Christmas.
Oh--one leftover I am NOT having a hard time avoiding-ham. I am over the ham and announced last night that I will not be eating any more ham.