I hope...
I had a very tiring weekend but it was fun. I am going to chill today and tomorrow and do NOTHING. Because my son is divorced, we had him, his new wife and his babies over for dinner on Christmas Eve because they had to be withtheir mother Christmas day. Those little boogers, age five and nearly three were worse than a whole tribe of wild indians. The two year old wouldn't eat a bite but had her fingers into everything in the house and I finally had to put her in time out at the table. The five year old ate like a little pig because Santa wouldn't be there until after he ate. Finally, we sat down to open presents and the kids tore theirs open in a matter of minutes. The five year old was a little disappointed because he kept looking for a "big" present he had asked Santa for. A big, shiny red motorcylce. finally after I let him look everywhere and he had come to the conclusion that santa only left a motorcylce helment so he must have been a little mixed up, hubby left the room and all at once we heard Varoooom. Turned around and lo and behold, there was a big shiny, lots of chrome, red Harley-Davidson look a like motorcyle that Santa had dropped from his sleigh. The two year old kept trying to take it away so we gave her his four wheeler and they were out in the cold and dark riding their new toys until daddy had to take them home. Well, actually, I ran them off. Yesterday, I went and brought my older son home from supported living and we did the Christmas dinner all over again, mainly with left overs. SOOOOOOOOOOOO< I am worn out. WHEWWWWWW that's a long story. I hope you had a wonderful weekend also.
Dame T!
I cooked my rear off
And ate Very Little.
Juiciest Turkey in 5 years!!!
And No, I didn't fry it.
Just my oven, a Large Hypodermic needle
Some careful temp adjustments along the way
And a lot of love!
Fit for the cover of a Magazine
And So juicy it's already gone.....
What an odd little success story-
"My Best Turkey Ever!!!"
As Chanukah marches on-
Beware the Curse of the Latkes!
Off with the Family to see yet another Movie this evening.....
Best Wishes-