Boun Natale
good morning ..i am dead tired this morning..yesterday i cooked like a banshee for christmas eve dinner and right now im sitting here drinking my coffee saying oh i gotta make meatballs and brishola for will get done im not rushing it..its going to be a very quiet christmas day no company just me and my hubby and daughter..if my son pops up with his gf were heree..
this has been the first christmas that i was not stressed out and what a wonderful christmas that was..
i am not being with negative people im just keeping it a very low happy holiday..
last night i did some fish for christmas eve i just cant seem to break that tradition yet..
my aunt came over for dinner its sad to be alone and old.her husband died 4 years ago they had no kids she was very good to me growing up what the hells the differnce im cooking anyway what is one more person?
i know as much as i hate the holidays i get blue for some reason i know i wouldnt want to be alone ..i can put on a great facade for christmas ..ya know deck the halls be jolly and all that hoho stuff but this year i really simplified my gvift giving decorating and i was not stressed out.,.my cooking wasnt simplified .funny as much as im 3 years out thank god i cant eat like i was before surgery..
my eyes are still bigger than my stomach..and as i sat down to eat last night i got full so fast i was bummed out..its weird i made calamatis last night with linguine and i put a small ampunt in my bowl i took 3 bites and i was full..i was bummed out after a hour i ate a shrimp and had some broccili rabes and was full..i picked on some pastry and a almond cookie and was in pain i over did it..
im blaming the broccili rabes for gas
today im just making my meatballs and some brishola and whatever shrimps and vegetables are left we can eat ..
i cooked a few things for my in laws ansd sent them over to them yesterday ..i they dont want any company they were asked to come here they want to be alone so be alone..i asked i anint begging them to come here its going to be peaceful no aggravation //
opps those caps ..
well its night time in europe another day will pass
thank you all for always being here..
that alone is a wonderful gift..
so in the immortsal words of tiny tim or charles dickens
god bless us all
may 2006 be happy heal;thy and kinder to us all..
hugs l,ove ya
************** santa has left the building!

So you came here and stunk up the joint eh?
I love the no hassle holidays like I am having...boys and wives are doing all the work...YAY!!!
Even went out to eat last night at my favorite restaurant and this is the 1st year since before my son's were born that I did not bake one dang thing nor did I make fudge or about no stress....I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo loving it!!
Well Merry Christmas to you you a bunch, and Santa is the devil in diguise....

I tried to call you (twice I might add) to wish you a Merry Christmas. Did you answer the phone? No! Instead I get an answering machine greeting. Well ain't that just so very Grinch-esque. All kidding aside, I want to return the greeting and am looking forward to another year with you as my tag-team partner on OH.
Hey JoAnn! Merry Christmas to You, Jeanine and Jay!
I did the same as you. I didn't stress out at all this year. I was prepared and did things slowly. Today I will rest and enjoy my coffee and a nice dinner at my mother-in-laws. She is a great cook and everyone will enjoy it. Christmas eve I cooked a very nice steak dinner with all the trimiings. I had a bite of each thing and that was it. I did dishes and RELAXED.
Eventhough I was prepared, I still wrapped presents until midnight. I still don't know how those little buggers made it to my closet. I had no idea I had so much stuff for my 8 yr old. Christmas morning was wonderful. Everyone was happy and healthy.
My sister that has not had the surgery... was miserable. I swear she looks 10 years older than me. Being obese and miserable will do that to you. I know... I've been there. She is scared of the surgery...even after she has seen how well I have done. I think the change would be really drastic for her since she sees food as more of a crutch than I ever did. I hope she remains healthy this year and thinks about having the surgery.
I hope you have a great 2006 and keep making it real. You help alot of people here, just by being around. I enjoy your posts .... every one!
Lots of love.