Advice from Oldies/E-mail related?
This must be a different person.
She has no photo or profile
Or any entries in her support page
And seems to have just shown up in the last month
But looking back over her previous posts
She ranges from being 2 years post-op
To 5+
Depending on which of her replies you read.
That's why I immediately thought-
But she may just be a person with little sense of
Decorum. Lord knows I've BEEN That person before.
Now there was a Gal some weeks back that was clearly
A fake, with a Cover of Vogue photo
That jumped in with all sorts of craziness.
I called her on being a total fake
And she evaporated so fast.
Some folks!
Best Wishes-

DX anyone who would slam on Val is a real jerk as far as I am concerned. I have never had a stalker here, but I have had my share of hate mail from people over the years....and been run off the boards....some know who I am now, but that is very few. It is ashame someone is so whacked and get their jollies by hassling!
Happy Holidays to you!

(deactivated member)
on 12/22/05 12:04 am - Las Vegas, NV
on 12/22/05 12:04 am - Las Vegas, NV
Just don't reply... at least that what usually works on me
I am familiar with the person you speak of, though apparently not as intimately as you. My sense is that she is who she presents herself to be but marches to a different drummer.
All too often, people don't read what is written. Rather they see certain words and assume they know what you are saying then reply on that assumption.

Thanks Tek.
I Really Couldn't tell if it was a
"Cloak" of a Profile for someone else
Because of the total lack of info
Or Not.
I did just start hitting the delete,
No replies from me....
Hopefully the poster
Will just move on off to other waters.
Bmmp bmP, BbbbmmmmP, bmmP....
(*insert Jaws 'now the camera is slowly pulling away' music here*)
"Marches to different drummer" is great.
The non-hippie-drug version of-
"Still at the Show?"
Best Wishes-
i have gotten the same type of email from someone here. it was telling me to make sure that I get all my vitamins and protein in and a certain type of vitamins were highly recommended. A lot of references to me being a brand new post op with a lot to learn. i thought it was funny and wrote her back and told her. She had only been on the board for a few months and was fairly new. One of those "kind" that spout advice as tho it's the gospel to everyone when she doesn't even know what she is talking about. BUT, the ones that really upset me are the ones that find a reply of mine to be rude or negative and feel they have to blast the heck out of me in a private email. Those are the times I wish we could copy and paste emails to the main board and let everyone know who the real villian is. I am ME, I post my exact thoughts and feelings on the board for all to see and draw their own conclusions. I don't do the private email thing unless someone writes me first and even then I don't bother to answer unless it is someone I consider to be one of my friends and supporters.
I too haven't been on here in quite a while and didn't realize I missed it until I'm on here reading all of this.
Now that I've lost my job,
I guess I'll have a little more time to be on here huh?
All I can say is it's pretty rude
for someone to poke fun at someone's photo when they don't have one on here of themselves. Pretty Chicken Sh*t if you ask me.
Not only that - we all know we don't look good in our pictures!
Just my thoughts - and this was a really interesting post - and Tek, I don't know you, but you are one deep fella from what I gather! And I sure do enjoy your posts.
Merry CHRISTmas everyone!

Hey Dx... I got a couple weird responses on my email from her too (yesterday's troll)... she told me to get over it and other things that made me simply delete it from my software... Haven't heard from her today..... been real busy tho....
So I was in our main building and went to the lunchroom to sneak some high fattening, sugarred up snack...just one... and all they had were sugarfree oatmeal cookies.... IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!! I can't even cheat!!!!!
Anyways... I think that person is real and I kinda believe she is sincere... just maybe misplaced concern? I don't know...
Just get over it Dude, go make some healthy biscuits........ drown 'em in diet syrup..... enjoy yourself!!!
Laurie - minus 174 lbs!!

You're an eye witness!
She latched on to my e-mail.
Out on the mainboard this evening
She's just sort of had a little meltdown.
I could tell yesterday-
"Something in the milk wasn't dairy!"
I'm over it...
Just mr. 'e-mail delete!'
Beware those SF Oatmeal Cookies!
A couple of those got me good a week back.
Sugar alcohol!
Have a Great One!
Best Wishes-