Advice from Oldies/E-mail related?
Oh they were aware.
But I'm sure I muddied the waters.
I Did the rolled up newspaper-
"NO! NO! NO! ... OUTSIDE!!!"
So aggressively that the post where she had
Told the 66year old pre-op woman that she
Looked old and fat, got pulled,
And the "Mods" even went back and pulled the
Post where she told Val that she looked scary!
As if it "never was."
:these aren't the droids you're looking for.....:
Now if that-
:move along....:
Will just work in my e-mail.
Best Wishes-

Glad to hear it got pulled. Val is a dear and her support has kept me going for many months now.
I'm sure many would scoff at my picture too, but it is still the "before" pic. I'm still on the journey and don't want to post the "after" until I feel I am truly completed my transformation. If that means I look unacceptable to some, so be it. Now, if I start getting stalker emails telling me that, I'm sure it would negatively impact on my self esteem. So, I sure hope that stalker has learned their lesson.
It's a fragile time, being post-op and on this new journey. We need support, hugs, well-wishes and good advice. Most of all, we need to boost each other up....not bring each other down.
Karen G

I got first tangled up with this person
Cause they dropped in to hy-jak one of my threads
To tell a 66 years old Pre-Op
That her Photo made her look old and fat!
Oh yeah!
Even though the Pre-op lady had her feelings hurt
She was strangely quiet about it.
I Showed my but and replied with such a loud-
"You Rude Bioch!!!"
That the thread got pulled.
I would have just scurried of to my state board or the Men's room
But then I got the Kookie e-mails.
Maybe these are just "Christmas Kookies?"
Best Wishes-

With your absent pic, profile, and name changes
I would have thought you, of all folks
Would have had a Kook on your tail in the past.
Don't mind attention
As long as it seems they are connected to reality
In some manner.
Or even if they are Total Flakes, but nice Flakes.
Frosted Flakes!
My Luck it's probably someone I've talked to for years
Out here and I've just spaced who they are completely.
But, then I'm not thinking I would have been so talky
With someone who was such a "meanie" to others.
I think my response yesterday included the phrase-
"Pre-Menstrual, Venom-Spitting Shrew-Troll!"
But that was just me being nice.
My usual sugar coating ...
Best Wishes-
First, I now have a picture on my profile + a link to several others.
I did get stalked for a while a year ago. It was just a 'lost soul' thinking I might fill the void in their life. She posted in response to almost all of my posts + sent email direct. I did the stray dog thing: "ignore em and they go away eventually and definitely do not feed them."
Treat this person liKe Phideux and move on. If they persist, offer Kool-Aid.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
i agree. there is a new person on the boards (tho I haven't seen her lately) that replied to a lady and asked her if she couldn't post a prettier picture on the board instead of the ugly one she posted. Then in a day or two, her own picture showed up and I nearly busted my pouch laughing at her picture. it was just like the one she had been so critical of. Man, I really had a hard time keeping my rude mouth shut on that one. I know Tek thought the same thing. i could tell by his remark to her. Only he was nice. I would not have been. far as pictures go, I have always thought that some of these pre-ops post pictures that are a hundred years old anyway. No way is a four hundred pound woman going to look like the beauty queen picture she has posted. Not as a pre-op anyway. But I do understand that as we get fatter, a lot of us hide from the camera so may not have a "fat" picture.