Advice from Oldies/E-mail related?
Hey Ya'll
Got a little "creeped out" by a Poster on the boards.
Started dropping me e-mails about how once I started losing the weight
I'd see life clearer and such.
Sort of-
"You're newly Post-Op
And once you can start to feel the effects of your decision.....
Blah, Blah, Blah..."
I responded and let them know that I'm
Below Goal Weight and have been for coming up on 9 months now,
Did the usual (See Profile)
And they responded with the same sort of
"Were all butterflies and once you're free from you obesity....blah.."
They even did the -
"Well, I'm sure you're new here at OH....blah,blah"
(*insert scary twilight zone music here*)
And all of this is coming from someone who I swear I
Don't remember from the boards.
They have no face, no profile, claim to be Way Post-Op,
So naturally I'm thinking -
Joke? Troll?
But the Name does seem vaguely familiar.
So, I'm sure with all of the folks out here
Who've been coming to the place for a while
Surely someone has accidentally
Picked up a Stalker/Spook?
What did you do?
This is a first. I've had some -
"We'll agree to TOTALLY Disagree" folks
But this is the first time I've felt like-
"Eeek! Boiling Pet Rabbit on the Stove!!!!!!"
(Glen Close reference for those who miss the movies of Kirk Douglas....)
Best Wishes-

wow Dx ... I did get the "Michael" Douglas movie reference
(but I do like Kirk's movies too!) ... that is very odd ... either its April Fool's Day somewhere, or yep, you've got a live one!
"I will not be IGNORED DAN" ...
Working in radio for several years, I've had my share of "scary situations" ... I don't know what to make of this though ... have you seen any of their other posts?

I did a search
To look back at posts.
And The Posts seem to vacillate between
Those that are very condescending to newbies
And some odd random shots-
Like telling Stalker Val
She needs a new picture because hers is so
Bad it makes her look scary.
Oh Yeah!
My eyes did a little pop
But Val just sent back a 
And moved on.
She's a sweetie!
This had "Play Misty for Me"
Written all over it!
Best Wishes-

My e-mail center has controls whereby I can insert an e-mail address and block that address/person from sending me e-mails. They may have other accounts and you'll just have to keep adding those as well.
Otherwise, the worse thing that you can do is ANSWER their e-mail. It's attention and a reaction from you that they seek. Don't statisfy them!
Best to you,
Thanks for the tips.
I'll check out what "blockers" I have available.
I just started deleting after it occurred to me-
I've gotten those-
"You think you're so..blah,blah blah..."
Sorts of hate mails before
But these were just sort of creepy...
See you 'round the boards!
(do e-mail me Dan's e-mail address,
I'd love to drop him a line and wish him well.
Katrina is still a big ole disaster after the press has gone.
Some folks in Mississippi still in tents this Christmas,
Louisiana too I bet)
Best Wishes-
What a horrible person. !! To poke fun at someone's picture. That is completely unsupportive. They shouldn't be on the site. Sorry, but I feel that this site needs more supportive and positive influences. Anyone who seriously pokes fun at another member's photos should receive a warning from memberservices. That is totally uncalled for. I wish you would report this incident and those to you too, so that they (memberservices / moderators) can monitor this poster.
Good Morning !!!
Happy Holidays !!!
(((( HUGS )))))
Karen G