Glad to be here ... its rough out there!
Hi guys ... my first visit to the Grad board ... I'm 2-1/2 years post-op, still not at goal, however (actually, my docs/nut/I never even set a goal ... they said that with this surgery I'd lose 75% of my "excess" weight, which I've done ... so I guess for them that's a success.) ... I'd like to get down another 60 pounds. I came back to these boards for support, as there seem to be others in the same boat as me.
I look forward to sharing thoughts and ideas with you all!
Welcome Karyn,
I just looked at your profile, you've had a rough year! I had to laugh though when you talked about the doctors saying they "could " do a scope or CT scan. How right you are! I had pain in October & after an ultrasound showed nothing, they started running the "coulds." The scope showed no ulcer but since he can't see the whole stomach anymore he put me on Nexium. (Sound familiar?) Then the CT scan to see if it was adhesions, although he said adhesions wouldn't show up (What????) After he said that I headed back to my WLS surgeon & talked with the PA who ordered one last test which showed what I had been saying all along. My gall bladder was the culprit. There were no stones; it was just inflamed & now it's gone!
Congratulations on your success. You know we seem to concentrate on numbers & feel we have to get to a certain weight to be successful. That was really getting to me too. We forget that all the literature says this surgery will give us a loss of 60-80% of our EXCESS weight. I've made it to 90% and still want more! At 2 years out, it's so hard to lose but I keep working at it. I realized that if I only lose 1 lb a month, I will be where I want to be by next Christmas. One lb a month should be doable, right?
Hang in there. And remember you are a SUCCESS!
Dixie ... you put the first smile on my face today! Thanks! Well, I just got back from the docs ... and he said he "wants to do a scope" and he highly "recommends it", and "I'll call and set it up for you" (guess he heard about my "could" problem)
. The Nexium has been helping me, but he's concerned that all I'm consuming is soup and coffee ... so we don't know if its a physical thing or not (oh yeah, I'm also apparently in "depression denial", and he, my nut and my psychologist are recommending anti-depressants
), and he said that 5 months of this (eating issues ... this started during my hospital visit ... the first one ... from the dog bite) is too much.
I think you've done a great job ... losing 90% of the excess weight is excellent (only 12 pounds to go! fantastic!) I think the next poster does have a point though ... I need to make a realistic goal, and to make sure I don't feel like I've failed (as I already do!).
I think my emotions are just a little out of whack, due to a myriad of things, but I'm glad I've got you guys here. I'm not one to ask for help, even when I really need it, but you guys have been here for me, and I do appreciate all the encouragement, thoughts, ideas, and yes, sometimes even the constructive criticism!

Do you think your goal is realistic? My surgeon, PCP and plastic surgeon all told me to stop losing at 215 lbs because I was all muscle at that time. They explained that if I continued to lose I might be losing heart muscle, etc.
I had a real hard time thinking that I was going to end my wls at 215 lbs even though I knew that was a lot healthier than the 410 lbs where I started.
I had plastic surgery which removed another 22 lbs. Today I weigh 186 lbs and I've been prescription free for well over a year. I'm wearing a size 12 pants, size 14 tops and I'm happy with where I am. I won't ever be a size 2/4 but to be honest at 5'6" with a large frame I'd probably look anorexic if I continued to lose weight. This is good enough and I've learned to embrace my current size and healthy body.
Talk to your surgeon, and PCP. See what they think about your current weight. Sometimes we don't see ourselves as we really are due to past history.
Hi Pat ... you are absolutely right ... I've never been "skinny", nor do I think I ever will. I remember being comfortable at 160 (yeah, when I was like 16) ... so that's kind of where I wanted to head ... but if it ends up 180, so be it. I only weigh in when I'm at the docs office (once or twice/month), and I'm not overly obsessed with the scale.
I may have to reevaluate my goal ... all I know is that I'm not there yet!
Thanks for the thoughts ... very much appreciated.
by the way Pat, you look fantastic! How tall are you, if you don't mind?
I'm 5'8", 221 (this morning) ... and another 60 pounds would be about 160 ... maybe I should set the goal at 180, and then take it from there with the plastic surgery (which is still up in the air, as I'm ttc) ... well, they are just numbers, and I know I'm not where I want to be, so I'm not going to obsess over it (right now anyway

Easy to say we ain't gonna obsess, ain't it? I want to lose a few more inches, but realistically, at my age, I don't see it happening. I feel excellent and I'm told I am looking absolutely fab, so I will just take what comes. If I can drop the 20 lbs I want to, I will be overjoyed, but if I don't? Can't complain!