Am I a freak?
Well, I guess I am a freak with you. I have lost 141 pounds and have maintained it for a year now. My surgeon was not real big on the protein shakes. He wanted me to learn a new lifestyle of eating real food that incorporated learning to eat protein first and then add the other stuff as room in the tummy allowed. He wanted me to change my eating habits not rely on shakes and bars forever.
I used protein shakes in the first 6 weeks post op because I was restricted on solid foods and afraid I would not get in my nutrients. About a year out I was subscribing to another grads list where "everybody" used shakes on a daily basis. Thinking I was maybe doing something wrong I bought some protein powder and started on them. They made me gain weight if I had shakes and food, and I wanted food. so I stopped. I did use some shakes post plastics, as I had very little appetite, and 5 weeks after my belt lipectomy I got an illeus and lost too much weight. I was not able to eat well at that time so after the illeus resolved I looked sickly. So I drank shakes til I felt better and my weight went back to 130.
I tend to get at least 70 - 90 grams of protein from food only.
In spite of doom and gloom warnings I feel great, feel healthy, strong, am putting on lean muscle with my weight training, and am not the "grey ghost" I was warned I would turn in to. As long as I stay off the cookies my weight is stable.
I have lost 130 pounds and maintained that for almost 2 years now with in 5 pounds, except for the side trip into the christmas cookies that took me up a couple extra pounds that are being religiously exercised off.
start 260
norm 130-135
current 137 and dropping back to 130 by new years with exercise, no unplanned snacks and no more cooikies
I started off with protein shakes in my early days to ensure the 70 grams of protein I was striving for. Once I started eating solids I found I tolerated several sources of protein. I stopped the shakes after about the second month. I never used protein bars. I have lost 170 pounds since surgery. I was a lucky duck that only lost a few strands of hair (not that I necessarily believe that I can take credit for it I think getting the protein in helps). I have always had great labs (taken every three months) and I feel wonderful and healthy.
I didn't hate shakes at all, but I much prefer "real" food. I find I stay satiated the longest with a good solid serving of protein. I know many who feel that starting their day with a protein shake helps them have a good nutrition day. I'm not a breakfast person. Do I dare admit that because I do meet my protein requirements in my daily total calories...I allow myself to eat just toast for breakfast. For some that would be a slippery slope, but FOR ME it has worked just fine for many months.
I appreciate that you take on some of the myths and assumptions. What has worked for us or what our own surgeon believes works for us doesn't equate to scientific fact.
Thank YOU! Have to share a lil secret with you - sometimes being a rebel can be somewhat fun
Psst...I do toast for breakfast sometimes myself! Prefer an english muffin, but same principle. We all have to find what works for us - too many assumptions, myths and science fiction floating around. Hopefully, a few of us keep fighting the good fight. Not to 'win' but to help people stop and think.
(((HUGS))) and hope your holidays are a blast!
one (of many) things that I admire about you is your curiosity. And that you don't seem to accept things just because "everybody" knows it is true. I also tend to question the widely known "facts" on may things til I drive friends and family nuts. If it doesn't make sense to me I investigate. (dare I say e-mail chain letters??? is Penny Brown still missing?)