The Magic is in the Process
Hey you grads... I have been following the last couple of days worth of main message boards and then the WLS grad board and here's what I have come up with... add to it, take it away, do whatever you want but here's what I am starting to understand at least about myself....
People are saying that the weight loss is making me a different person.... But really, I think it's not so much the loss but the process, the self discipline I have been putting upon myself... I am different most of the time now....
The process has changed me, made me stronger in every way....
It's the everyday exercise, pushing my physical abilities until even I am impressed....
It's the battle over junk food... every time I walk away from it, I walk away stronger, more self reliant
Every time someone hurts my feelings and I don't go eat a bag of Oreos drowning my pain, I get up the next day loving myself and not as worried about other's reactions......
Seems like most of the time I go to the Grad board, I learn something that really matters......
Seems like every time I go to the main board... I see glimpses of the old me and know that some will succeed and others will be the ones that gain it all back..... most will fall somewhere in between...
I love looking up to Tooter,Tek, Dex, and Kiki, and so many more of ya....
You are my helpers, and I am thankful for your participation but I don't put you on some superhuman level..... I do appreciate your comments and knowledge... you always make me think!!! And if you wanna just be human, well that's ok with me.....
The process is working for me, and although I still have a ways to go..... I now believe that I will make it if I stick to the process.... The magic, if there is any at all, is in the process..... Now I'm gonna go have some fresh cherries... yes I paid $6.00 a pound for Cherries in December from Chile, but heck...I used to pay that for a pizza or oreos, ice cream and choco syrup.....
What has the process taught you? How do you continue knowing all that you know without being judgemental yet strong in your convictions....
Lsurie - minus 174 lbs!!
What a wonderful post!!
I said to a brand new post-op that was to be D/C'd from the hospital today as her surgery was yesterday, that this WLS has made it possible for me to live my most healthy life and become my most healthy self!! I can make good choices now because of the surgery and for me, that's the tool this surgery gave me. Self control.
I have lost the weight and I believe I will keep it off because of the message boards, the support groups, the hospital angel visits every week and the surgery most of all. Even when I don't eat lunch and come home starved, the surgery helps me to make a decent sized dinner and eat a normal amount instead of WAY too much!!