What Do You Think??
What do you all think about all of us contributing to this thread and then posting the merged contributions on the Main Board? We should each contribute our best suggestions and advice and call it "From the Grad Board To the Main Board - Merry Christmas" and make this our Christmas present to the pre-ops and new post-ops.
We should start with "WLS is just a TOOL" and we should probably end with that, too. And I think we could explain that we are all at least 1 year or more out and see so much bad advice and bad behavior and we just want to help them since we've already walked a mile or two in our new WLS shoes.
Maybe we could write our pet peeve posts and then respond to them. For example:
What's wrong with a little chocolate? A little will lead to a lot, as dumping becomes less of an issue. Let's face it, we've all dieted and then gained it back. A little chocolate now will NOT satisfy us later. It IS possible (and easy) to gain the weight back, even after WLS. We need a lifestyle change. The surgery just makes it possible to diet. If you aren't willing to do the hard work, maybe WLS isn't for you after all.
So, what do you think? I have to go to work, but I'll check back later today and this evening. Good idea? Or is it just casting pearls before.... oh, nevermind!!
P.S. - Sorry about the Priority flag, but I thought time was of the essense and I just couldn't help myself!!!

I personally don't think they want to hear it. They only want to hear what they want to hear. They want permisson to do things wrong. This is just my opinion. They have the ability to scroll back to messages that were posted before. If they just went back a few pages they would probably see the same question asked.
I personally feel it would be a waste of time. Many times in the past I have contributed to the main board and have been attacked. The best answer you can give them is "call your docotor."
Just pick carefully the threads you want to answer. I look about once a week when board to see what's up with them. Same ole' crap....over n over.
My opinion.....want to toast or roast me, be my guest.....I've getting thick skin from it all....
Jan--I think this is a nice idea. I think there are lots of "newbies" *****ally are interested in learning from our experiences. I know I was really anxious to learn as much as possible from those who went before me. Many of them probably are not the people who post all the time--but I'm thinking (hoping) they really are out there lurking.
I'll be doing some thinking while doing my chores today and hopefully I can come up with something. I'm not as eloquent as many others and honestly part of me would just love to post some links to some of the posts our former members have made which are intended as wake-up call/FAQ sheets. You know--like Patty Butler's and Lei's soapbox threads.
Have a great day. Packing for my cruise and wrapping Christmas stuff.
I am not convinced that the issue is a lack of information, but a lack of ears with which to hear. People see the before and after pics, and they know all they need to know: "I want that to happen to me". Those pictures do not convey the process and perhaps even mask how difficult the course can be for many. For many of us, new information is part and parcel to our way of living. We scarf up new information daily and we are glad to read it, hear it, etc. We compare it to what we already know and integrate it into our decision making processes. Just be aware that there are many, perhaps even a majority of your fellow planet residents, who have no use for the details. They just want to be skinny, some would say 'again' and others might add 'finally'. Of course you and both know the devil's in those darned details.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
(deactivated member)
on 12/15/05 12:38 am - Las Vegas, NV
on 12/15/05 12:38 am - Las Vegas, NV
I made a thoughtful, thorough, and quite elequent reply that I seem to have not submitted.
Quicker version...
It would likely be far to contradictory for it to be useful. Even on your Chocolate example, some can work moderation, some require abstinance, some continue binging, yet all can be successful or un.
We can't even agree on basic health issues, and it seems they cannot be discussed without misinformation, heresay, overstating facts, or just simple exageration. It seems if misinformation is repeated often enough, it becomes true.
Jay nailed whatever he said. So did everyone else that I agree with, those I disagree with are obviously wrong.
Normally I would say that if you aren't willing to work on solving the problem you aren't allowed to complain about it. In other words, if you aren't willing to try to educate these people, you have no right to moan about their stupid posts, but I have to agree with the general sentiment here.
Even as I was typing my initial post, I wondered if WE would even all agree about some issues. And like was also said, a lot of these posts are coming from people who 1) have NO desire to hear the truth anyway and 2) are only looking for validation or permission to behave badly.
What does it say about the Main Board, though, when we have mostly given up on them already? It is a sad state of affairs. And I wish my idea had been better. Oh well, it made us think at least!
Merry Christmas!!

You know darlene, I tend to agree with you. I have beat my head on the wall long enough trying to help these people. I am done. Just call me a grinch. I have better things to do than waste my time even trying to "Give" them something. It has gotten very old and I am, by nature, a compassionate, person. My problem is that I have been told I am "honest to a fault" and that is not what they want to hear so why waste our time and energy.
Normally I would say that if you aren't willing to work on solving the problem you aren't allowed to complain about it. In other words, if you aren't willing to try to educate these people, you have no right to moan about their stupid posts, but I have to agree with the general sentiment here.
This is what you posted. Let me give you some history on me,when I had my surgery there were no support groups around, OH site was a diaster and I found no info back them to help me. I formed a support group in my area, studied, learned, and resourced info on my own. I was my surgeon's #2 patient so anything I learned I passed on to him. I wrote his post-op guidelines.....but you know.....they just don't care. My husband tells me all the time when I think of things and functions for the group, he says, when are you going to figure it out that they just don't care?? Unless you tell them it's ok to eat what they want you don't have a chance in hell....
You have people that say yes, supplement protein, you have some say no, get it from food....people on pedestals on the main board, they only want to hear from them....they want sugar coating....and I for one don't give it.....I tell it like it is or how it could end up...
Off the soapbox.....sorry....that just hit me a bit wrong....