ObesityVote.com Please help ..
Once again my fellow board members , I am asking you to get out there and tell your story . I will begin a 9 week lobby soon to get this bill passed . I need your help . Please ck out the web site . Obesityvote.com
Get Registered and Tell your story !!! Even though you not from VA .. your iput matters .
For those that remember I went before the General Assembly back in August and will be returning again in January . I need you to show your support - register on the site and by all means - come out with me !
What's this project all about?
ObesityVote.com is a grassroots effort organized to alert, educate, and inform the Virginians of legislative issues involving obesity and to encourage them to communicate with their legislators by offering them the tools to do so.
We need you to tell your story of how obesity has affected your life and your health. Right now, many people with morbid obesity cannot be treated with weight-loss (bariatric) surgery, the only effective treatment known for morbid obesity. For these individuals, health care insurance does not cover this treatment, even though research has shown that the vast majority of people who have had this surgery are cured of other diseases caused by obesity or experience improvement in them. These diseases include diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, sleep apnea, and cancer. It's important for Virginia's legislators to understand how you live and cope with morbid obesity, how it has affected your life, and, if you've had surgery, how it has changed your life and health.
Even though weight-loss surgery has been shown to save money (and lives), some health insurers refuse to pay for the treatment. At the same time, insurance companies reap high profits and pass those along to their stockholders while denying life-saving treatments for their insured.
Legislation will be introduced to make it mandatory for health insurance companies to pay for weight-loss surgery for those people who have morbid obesity and are motivated to follow the treatment program. We need your help in letting legislators know how you feel about this issue by telling your personal stories to them. We need you to urge them to pass this important legislation so that all individuals with morbid obesity will have health insurance coverage for the life-saving, life-changing weight-loss surgery they so desperately need.