What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,Well I don't have many goal's today and I am sorry but I just needed someone to talk to.But my main goal today is to get my self out of the little bit of depression I am in.This is because today is the Anniversary of my Mother's death 12 years ago and I am a little down in the dump's today but I am going to try to keep myself and mind occupied.Well I hope you have a good day!!!

Hi Candy, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. I have not lost my Mom yet. but cannot imagine the pain. I have lost three grandparents and two siblings. My adopted sister(my first cousin) died after complications from WLS. For the longest time I just hurt and would try to not think about them. Now I have learned that by celebrating their lives I can heal. My sister knew she was dying and had left a black suede and fur coat that she paid a fortune for with my aunt (her real Mom) and asked her to give it to me for Christmas when I got into it. I could not wear it or even look at it last year. I thought that it was a cruel thing for her to do. This year I got it out and thought about why she would have done this. I realize now she wanted me to feel near her during the holidays. I wear it now with a feeling of love and comfort. It is like she is still going Christmas shopping with me. I have tears in my eyes while I am writing this. I still miss them all. Especially this time of year. Now instead of burying those feelings I get out something special that I have from them and wish them a Merry Christmas. I believe they are somewhere listening to me. Hope this helps. Luv, Crissie
I pray God's comfort be with you today Candi.
I lost my Dad on Christmas Day and my Mom the day before Easter.
Sometimes the holidays come and go and I have forgotten it was their anniversary. (Not too often do a forget). I think I block it out at times so I can get through the holidays easier.
Today is my 22nd Wedding Anniversary and my DH is out of the state working. This is our first time apart on our Anniversary. He was in town last Sun. and left this past Wed. We celebrated his B-day on Mon. and our Anniversary. We go through different seasons in our lives, and this one I believe will be for the best!
My goal today is to spend as much time w/my granddaughter.