Back from Recontructive surgery
As I posted in the plastic surgery forum, I am back from all my surgeries. It's been 2 weeks now, and I am still in pain, and so tired. I just wanted everyone to know that my surgeries went well. This is what I underwent:
Breast reduction/lift; excess skin removal from under arm by side of breasts, brachioplasty, hernia repair, anchor incision tummy tuck, LBL (belt lipectomy), medial thigh lift, and lipo to knees.
It was alot to do at once, but I am really glad that I did it. If you want to read about my experience, please check my profile. I am still updating it, but you can get the idea.
I have some before pics and some pics from 9 days post-op. you can view them at:
If they ask for an email, it's [email protected] and the password is: ps1105
I went into surgery weighing 132 lbs and I am currently @ 119 lbs.
It's weird, I keep hearing from all the nurses and staff how tiny I am, I never expected to be tiny.
Thanks for listening.
You can tell such a difference already. God Bless you, that is a lot at one time. I have had my consult for my abdom but the PS wants to wait for anything else until after that. I am hoping the insurance gods are kind and approve it. I am not by a long shot as small as you, but am settled into the weight where I think I am going to be,
You are doing fantastic, take it easy and take care of you!
I am glad you are doing so well Tricia. Your pics look great!
If you do not mind sharing I have a few questions for you.I am scheduled for extended abdominoplasty (anchor cut)and breast lift onDec 22. I plan on spending 1-2 nites in the hospital. How much help do you need at home after that? My husband can help me for a few days more but will probably need to return to work after that. My mom is too old and frail to help me, I do not have a sister and my only child is agrown son who lives far away. Do I need to hire a nurse or will I be ok? I do have friends I can call in an emergency and my hubby does work very close to home and can come home in an emergency.