Wed. Food For Thought
November 29th,
If we examine our behavior patterns when we were eating compulsively, we usually find that they were quite rigid. Our mental obsession and physical addiction kept us bound in repetitious behavior which permitted very little spontaneity. With so mucy time and energy tied up in eating, we had very little flexibility. Most of our free time was used to support our addiction in one way or another.
As we recover, we may find ourselves threatened by unstructured time or by impromptu changes in schedule. An unexpected holiday can bring on feelings of emptiness or boredom. Changed plans can leave us feeling confused and unsettled. Without a firm routine, we may become uneasy.
Rembering that abstinence is the most important thing in our life without exception can provide an anchor when we are required to be flexible. As long as we remain abstinent, we are free to alter schedules and plans according to preference and convenience. Flexibility and spontaneity are possible when abstinence is firm.
Show me how to be flexible.
Readings by Hazelden Meditation Series
I miss you. Ever since we decided to stop the "Vows" posts, it hasn't been the same. I miss our daily chats. I guess we all are just caught up in our daily lives. I know I have had lots going on here. I still try and get my two daily posts in, but not much of anything else. I need to reply more to others and be an encouragement.
I'm glad you read the inspirations even if you don't reply to them. I don't expect a reply. I just hope people are reading them and getting something from them. I know I am!
Hope all is going well for you and that your Christmas will be full of love and peace.
Your Friend,