Anyone else experience this?
Hello Cathy -
I wanted to share the link from the MAIN BOARD with you too - Ive rec'd some great responses and thought you might want to read them too.
LOL - fair warning, a few of 'em have threatened to KICK MY BUTT if I don't follow up with a doc, but it's ALL meant in fun and luv' (uh, right Karen?!?)
I did mention in one of my replies that maybe "carbs" might be the culprit, albeit HEALTHY carbs (via the beans in the chili). I tend to overdip the beans, since that's my favorite part. I hadn't eaten anything else that day, so maybe the 10 carb bagel and the 50 (guestimate) carb bowl of chili is what shocked my system.
Your description during the "movie conversation" is exactly what I was going through. My personality tends to be the CONTROLLING type [lol, or so Ive been told?] so I was in a major *headspin* (tailspin) over it all, especially the LACK of control over my mind and body.
Is it any wonder that my addiction in life has always been FOOD and NOT drugs?
- Lei

Oh, my gosh, I hope this NEVER happens again for you. How terrfying! I have had the shakes thing when I forgot to eat, actually did on Sunday night after Christmas shopping but nothing like you did. Please go to the ER if it happens again. Someting was definately going on.
Enjoy your cruise. I envy you. I have never been on one & probably never will. You'd be surprised how many of us "landlocked" people (I'm from Iowa) never go on one. Maybe in my next life??
Take care! We need you here. A friend & I have both read your profile & have commented on things you said. She even printed the whole thing out so she could read it offline & shared it with me. Don't worry, we're not stalkers!

G'morning Dixie -
You're too CUTE to be a stalker, so I'z not worried!
Thanks for your kind words (and thanks to your friend, as well) ..I'm glad you both found my journaling helpful. I have a few profiles that Ive saved to my favorites that I refer back to, from time to time. Not only to see how they're doing, 5 or more years post op, but because I found so many things I could "relate with"... lol, and Ive been known to print them too!
We're so looking forward to the cruise - although it's a tad bit OVER whelming to put together. We've NEVER been on a cruise either. Neither has the other couple going with us (Wendy G. from this board and her hubby) ... nothing like a buncha' clueless 40+ year old virgins, ya know? I've heard time and time again, after your first cruise, you'll never want to vacation any other way. We'll see.
.... for now, Im just looking forward to BLUE blue waters, white beaches, warm temps and swimming with the fishies (stingrays) ...while my friends in VaBeach are freezing their fannies off.
- Lei

Lei looks like you got some responses. I guess it must be dumping. But I never dump when I eat sugary stuff, it only happens I think when I am low on protein drinking. Go figure. Hey cruising is fantastic. I am going on my 12th cruise over xmas. It's funny. Cruises are filled with over weight people who go on the cruise to gorge themselves. Then when we post ops go on a cruise it is really impossible to go on the cruise and gorge. We get sick. So it was a big adjustment for me once I had the surgery and then started cruising again. Once you see the blue horizon from the back of the ship it becomes addicting. I can't wait to return and see it again and again.
hi pretty thing!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have gone thru the same thing with my "Reactive Hypoglycemia" once or twice. My PCP sent me to an endocrinologist for testing. I am still in that process. Altho this guy is very familiar with gastric bypass and knows it is a fairly common side efft, he is not convinced that mine if from the bypass. Reason being, eating or not eating seems to have no effect on my "Episodes". I told him my mother was a brittle diabetic but I am adopted so nothing to do with me as far as inherited stuff. She was just like your step mom. you described her exactly. That is the reason I knew what was happening to me. I took care of my mother for years. My adopted dad was also a diabetic but not brittle. He is a second or three times removed cousin of my biological mother WHEWWWWWW that wore me out just typing it. So the doc thought that was important to know. I have never been a diabetic or even had sugars out of the normal range until three or four months ago. I tell you, they are whooping my arse!!!!!!!
I get so aggravated at these docs tho. I had to take a 24 hour urine test in this morning so he could see how much protein I am dumping. Well!!!!!! DUHHHHHHHHHH. An unnecessary test for someone that drinks two or three Protein shakes a day.
Hello Delores!
I've heard that word a LOT in several of the replies and emails today - lol, I'm glad ya'll had to tackle the spelling in lieu of me. This way I can just cut and paste it to a search engine.
Prior to last night, all the other experiences that Id had with this, however slight, were always because I had NOT eaten - which is why last night confused me (and concerned me). Not only was it very intense but I DID eat and I was totally relaxed - if it can get that bad just SITTING around doing nothing, I'd hate to see what could have happened if I'd been ACTIVE!
Good luck to you on your newest health challenge - I hope your doctors can come up with some answers soon, and more importantly, a SOLUTION!! Let us know how things turn out, okay? I'll do the same, if I finally get in to to see my PCP. She's a great lady, I've only seen her twice (typical military, we never keep a doc long term) ...unfortunately, I know more about gastric bypass and my new lifestyle then she does. I'm hoping if I do enough research on my own, I'll have some suggestions for her at my next appointment.
Take care of YOU!!
- Lei

Well -- I think it is similar to several experiences I have had -- maybe dumping -- maybe not. I have had the shakes and weakness. I feel like I am going to keel over!! It seems to happen if I do not consume enough protein -- or if the protein comes from something other than protein drinks or meat/fish. I am not sure if I have established the cause correctly -- just a "best guess" on my part.
It does seem to get better only with the passing of time. I eat -- then feel a little better. But the only sure cure is just to let it run its course.