Anyone else experience this?
Late bloomers (people who have had a normal weight as adults and only became MO as adults) have experienced another way to live and I think adapt far better post-op. But those of us who have been MO life-long have a lot of cognitive dissonance to deal with. You might recall one of the character in Men In Black, a very tiny alien who simply manipulates this humanoid body from within. I have it backwards. The fat man inside is pulling the levers and working the pulleys on an exterior whose metrics are smaller than the interior. Think Dr Who's Tardis. The distance from our inner selves to our exterior size is astronomic in proportion. I often wonder if I am living in someone else's body. I sometimes have this feeling that I am simply trying to con people with this size, and some of them are on to me, knowing that the real me actually weighs 350. Any minute the curtain will come down on my Brigadoon. Or for you non-theatre buffs, Cinderella is sitting on the pumpkin rather in the carriage.
I don't think like that all day, everyday, but it does come and go. I still get lost in clothing stores, trying to find the 3X shirts and am still absolutely incredulous that a Medium will fit me. Somehow I have cheated my fate, and I am expending ill-gotten loot.
Regarding the Aliyim, the whole Law of Return thing is outside the scope of this forum. Nothing says instant trouble like throw politics, religion and economics into a cauldron, and then spice it up with a millennium or two of violence. Add a fanatic or two and BOOM! Besides not being Jewi**** is dubious if I would really fit in well in Israel: my grandfather was a Klansman.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
I think there is only one quality worse than hardness of heart, and that is softness of head. - Theodore Roosevelt, 26th US President (1858-1919)
Nowhere Man,
I will keep my mind off the global theatre and stick with my local theater interests and avoidance (cannot do show tunes, anaphylactic reaction).
Only recently am I able to recognize my clothing size by looking at something hanging on a rack. Funny though, when I was MO I was not in touch with how truly big I was! I had sort of the reverse issue of anorexics, I saw myself as much thinner than the MO reality that I was. It was not until about 1.5 years out when I saw a picture of myself at 250+ and did not recognize the person staring back at me, that I saw my former self.
Recently I had a the dream I was addressing a large group of people in a theater style setting, not sure what I was presenting, but I started my presentation with "Hello my name is...and I am a 280# woman." The dream me was the me I am today. Interesting huh?
I guess I am in a transitional state, that is neither fish nor fowl. I am not fat, but neither do I see myself as being normal. Cognitively I must be vigilant to ensure that I do not relapse. As such I am trying to not be fat, as opposed to trying to be a normal, healthy weight. Harkening back to previous discussions, how would disparate those goals (which in reality are the reveres sides of the same coin) impact our methods of achieving such? Are we destined to always have the same goal? Thinking about it, this might be the basis for a whole other thread in as much as we have wandered far afield.
Nowhere Man/PH/Jay
OK, now you did it...up and lost the compass (and/or GPS depending on navigation skills...) and potentially landed this thread in hostile territory.
Is there a interest board for Neo-Normal People plagued by the Fat Ghost Within who are Solution Oriented despite the lack of solution?
I would meet you there!
...if I were King (uh, queen) things would be different.
Hey there you cute thang'
I don't think it's bug related, although I was hanging out with a chicklet this weekend that later mentioned she was coming down with something.
I feel GREAT this morning, no temp and no other symptoms.
I'm glad Karen asked you what the hell BTHOOM meant. This brain cell can only handle so many challenges, mister, so I assumed you were suggesting I meet you in the bathroom.
- Lei

D A M N G I R L !
karen (lower case...which is me in my relative calm that helps me to identify the source of my struggle, plan my strategy, and carry out my mission...specifically to KICK YOUR ASS ALL THE WAY TO THE E.R.)
LMAO!! I know "laughter" is NOT the response you're looking for, but I can't help it. Besides, ya' nut - I'm not HIDING here, I posted here FIRST and then followed up with a post to the main board TOO.
Hopefully, you rec'd my reply from the main board and you realize this is not really ME typing, but my secretary?
- Lei (who's strategically placing the "X" on the various layers of what used to be called my butt, to make it easier on your foot)

Hi Leilani. Strange you should write about this, I had a similar episode on Thanksgiving day. I was talking to my SIL about movies I wanted to see and all of a sudden I draw a complete blank. I can't remember the name of the movie, the actors, anything. I was so embarrassed. I was even forgetting what she and I were talking about. I don't remember what I had eaten at that point, but I do remember that I was sitting out in the sun (and it was bright sunlight) and came in and told hubby that I didn't feel right. I couldn't see clearly and felt like I was in a fog. I do experience hypoglycemia quite frequently (when I've eaten something high in carbs or with sugar) so I try to eat right MOST of the time. BTW, I am 15 months out. AND, this past Monday morning I was talking to my coworkers and all of a sudden my heart started beating real fast and I felt dizzy. Just as soon as the words came out of my mouth "I feel dizzy" the feeling disappeared. It was a scary few seconds. I would love to hear if there are any others out there like us.