Recommendations for Scale
Okay, this is it. I stepped on the scale Friday and had, according to the scale, gained 6 pounds in one week! This without eating pie at Thanksgiving and being vigilant about every morsel put in my mouth. I got in the shower and cried. All I could think was that I was right after all. This surgery didn't work for me! Then I got out of the shower and stepped on the scale again...I don't know why...a hunch maybe. WHAT!!!??? I had lost five pounds in the shower (who knew I was that dirty???). Anyway, fifteen minutes later I had shed not only the unwanted pound but another one as well. Heck, this is better than my first three months after WLS. The moral of the story is that I need a new scale...obviously. Although if I lost a pound a day consistently I might keep this one
. When it comes to scales, I'm lost. I can't afford a doctor's scale but I want something reliable. Any suggestions? In advance, thanks.