What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,I hope to find you all doing well.My first goal for today is to apologize for not posting this yesterday,I was not home to do it!!!Then I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.My Thanksgiving will be today and I get to cook for a group of 26 people.So that is my only goal for today is to make this a very successful dinner oh and to make a good impression because I get to meet my boyfriend's kid's for the first time today,so wish me luck everybody!!!I hope you all have a great day!!!

Oh, how exciting! Good luck with the kids. I know it will all go well.
I visited with the former girlfriend of my youngest son yesterday. Sarah & I were quite close when they were together & then during a breakup, she went & got married to a virtual stranger. Biggest mistake she ever made but probably a good one for my son. He went on to meet & marry a wonderful gal & they are expecting our first grandbaby next month.
Anyway, this is the first Sarah & I have visted since my surgery sinc eshe moved out of state, & she was so happy for me. I discovered one more good thing that came from the weight loss. I know it sounds silly but now I can actually enjoy talking about fashion and clothes in general. Before, I just tuned out because I certainly couldn't ever wear those clothes but now, I can! We even compared ouv Victoria's Secret bras! That was quite a sight with both of our shirts pulled up.
My goal for today, this weekend, & forever, I guess, is to stay away from snacking. I still want to lose another 20-25 lbs & find that if I am very careful the pounds slowly start to come off. Conversely, if I blow it & have a bad day eating, those hard lost pounds just pack back on. That's not fair!
Good luck today, Candi, & enjoy!