1 stinkier
Well at least you have armpits. Mine are gone after my plastic surgery
I had excess chest skin removed, and the incision went around the sides and partially to the back. In the process basically what was my armpits was excised. I actually do have a little bit of armpit hair, but it's now down beneath my shoulderblades. It's kind of strange but at least I no longer have to use deodorant
-- Jim F. high-475, surgery-414, lowest-164, current-184, goal-160

Wow really Jim? I never heard of armpits being excised.. I guess I will be happy with a stinkier armpit. No hairy pit's here, but dang it, who knew these things would be hard to shave? I've knicked under there several times now.. sigh, such a hard life us ladies have
Wow Jim Congrat's to you, you've lost nearly 300 lbs now? WoW you da man

Wow Vicki. I've never heard of this problem before. What's even weirder, is that I rarely even sweat anymore. I think I could even go without deoderant and not smell, but I dont' think I'm gonna try it.
Don't know what to tell you. Oh, and by the way....WELCOME to the Grads board and Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary.

it's probably just me.. I'm weird like that
never sweat anymore? well I don't sweat sweat, but that 1 pit stinks. I don't get it
maybe just half of me is in ketosis
Thank you Elle, I'm glad to be here on the Grad board! I made it
The way things went for so long, I didn't think I'd ever be a year out.
Just got home from getting my yr labs done.. dang them vampires. I hope all comes back good, will let everyone know.