Do U count calories, protein grams or both?
I am so confused!
When I had my WLS I was not given a whole lot of nutritional advice, and mostly navigated this thing on my own. I figured I better stick with what I know...that the magic of weight loss is the "calories in/calories out" theory.
I have not, nor do I even know how to calculate protein grams...other than reading a package, but I have never paid attention to this measurement.'s my question...why on the main board when there are questions about what to eat, what one did eat, recipes, blah, blah, blah, doesn't anyone reference calories?
...and as long as I am on a bit of a rant...why are surgeons/nutritionists suggesting that choices at fast food joints are acceptable? I realize that there are nutritional choices at some fast food joints...but fast food is all about large portions, high calories, high sodium, high fat. Fast food likely contributed to the members MO in the first place...why go back?
I thought about posting this question on the main board, but I thought you all would have better insight...
...your insight appreciated!
Hi Karen!
I count everything...calories, protein, carbs (especially so, due to severe insulin resistance) and fat...though, I DO slide on the fat percentage just a tad if the rest looks 'good enough' for the day.
My surgeon would pitch a fit if he knew I even stepped foot into a ff restaurant (which, I don't unless cir****tances are out of my control for that particular meal...and, even then it is a salad only).

Thanks Sherry.
Clearly you are closely monitoring your intake. Great job!
I wonder who the surgeons or nutritionists are who OK Taco Bell, Wendy's and KFC? Whenever I read a post about the wonderful meals had at these places I want to scream.
...alas I resign myself to closing the post and taking deep cleansing breaths...
Continued success,
I think you are referencing that nearly fatal cat fight that broke out on the main board recently? The one where Sherry had the audacity to reply to a post with direct and fluff-less honesty? Wow! I was waiting for virtual hair pulling and threads of reference to one's Mama!!!
Shee**** can get really dicey around here with all those fat cells releasing years of hormone stores!!!
Not perfect...just really OK,