Did any of you go through this?
OK, maybe I'm nuts . Hopefully I have company in this....
I'm down to 140 from my SW of 294. I feel wonderful and have had no side effects, besides the inability to see the new me as me.
For the past few months I have gotten really scared that I am going to get mortally sick. Sometimes I think my surgery is going to deal me a terrible side effect. Then sometimes I think it's just going to be totally unrelated but it's going tobe a terrible sickness anyways.
I've never been a hypochondriac. Maybe it's just the thought that I finally got my life back and it's going to be taken away. I worry for myself. Then after reading Jessica O's terrible ordeal I'm getting even more freaked.
Have any of you gone through this?
You guys rock.
Michelle--I have not felt that way recently-but--when I was pregnant with my son--many years ago--I became wacko and constantly worried about my health. I was absolutely convinced I was not gonna live to see him grow up. For me--I think it was hormonal. Hope it improves for you as that is crummy to have to worry all the time.
Hmmm...here's my take (not a doctor, don't play one on TV):
Have you had many attempts at success in your life that eventually failed? For example, have you dieted...enjoyed success...got bored...went back to old habits...gained the weight back and more? Have you had a lot of success in your life? Have you ever before ever wanted something so bad that you committed yourself to a personal mantra of "failure is not an option?" Here's the thing...you are the same person. You are the new you on the outside, but you are the same person on the inside. The difference is that you are successful! You feel great! That is wonderful.
...but how do you replace the emptiness that compromised health and feeling like an outsider once occupied? How do you deal with being healthy and normal? Why isn't a baby grand piano dropping out of the sky and on top of you?
Because you are liberated from the chains of obesity. You are healthy. You are normal. Fill that negative emptiness with positive messages of success! Take a walk (or even a run)! Eat food that is healthy and comfortable when you are hungry, not when you are sad, tired, angry. Learn how to celebrate your success...you made it happen, you will continue to build on your success and nobody can take that away from you...and BTW, baby grands only fall from the sky if you are a roadrunner.
Be well in good health,
I'm 22 months out, lost 220 lbs and still don't see myself as me. I always pick up clothes that are too big for me and have to work my way down. I figure one of these days I will look in the mirror and realize that normal looking person is really me. Maybe it's more about the fear of regain, which makes us afraid to accept the new improved version.
Maybe life is just so good you don't want to deal with it so you worry instead. However, you need to come to terms with this before it side tracks your wls journey. I find journaling helps me to get thoughts out that get stuck inside my brain.
My thoughts on worrying are that it never helped a situation so why waste my time on worry. That's not to say we don't all need to think through whatever is on our mind and see if there is any valid reason for worry. Once we decide we are just being paronoid, it's time to dismiss the worry and go enjoy every moment of the life we've been given.
Hope you soon have this one figured out. Best wishes for your continued success.
WoW Michelle I know you wrote this a few days ago but I have to post. I mean I am feeling this exact same way. Funny cuz you and I were at the same weight prior to surgery and I am now 135. However I have been at 140 untill just recently. I want to stay at 145 cuz I feel like I look sick so then I feel like I will be sick. I am more worried cuz my weightloss started back up and I didnt want it to.. I worry everyday that something is going to go wrong. I notice anything changing on my body and quikly think I am getting sick. I think the worst. I am 1 1/2 yrs out now and 100% at goal. I love the new me but I also pick up clothes to big. My boyfriend told me the other day I dont give my body enough credit. I dont and its hard to see. I had on some new pants that were a size 9 junior i think or missed yeah. (cant remember) and all day all I did was worry about how stupid I must look in them. I also had on a womans 4 in the store and they did fit great and my boyfriend wanted me to buy them but I refused. I said noooo I prefer to stay in my 6. Even though to big. Anywho I had to post cuz I am soooo feeling this way right now. I hate being a worry wart that is sooo not me. I wanted to be happy but instead I am always feeling like I am doing something wrong or something is wrong with me. I pray it is just a phase I am going thru.!!!!!!!!