Any EASY (quick) answers out there?
Hello gals and guys -
I see that OH is busy making changes and improvements with the site. In the long run it's a WONDERFUL thing, but of course in the interim period, it's gonna come with a lotta adjusting and learning curves. Still not sure how this "User name" stuff is supposed to work - but that's a whole 'nother post.
My BIGGEST challenge right now is "other member profiles" ...I have about 200 of them linked to my profile journey - literally. People Ive had the pleasure of meeting in person over the last three years of my weight loss journey.
NONE OF THOSE LINKS WORK NOW - what's the deal!?!?!?!?!
Whether it's accessed via my profile or my favorite places on my computer - they're all dead links that end up with an error page.
How do I correct that?
Please tell me I won't have to go in and manually EDIT each and every person Ive ever added - since they're scattered throughout my 290 page journal, that's a daunting task at best.
Any ideas, tips, quick fix answers out there?
Thanks in advance - Lei

G'morning Karen -
You're all the adrenaline rush I need to stay MOTIVATED - I'll have to refer back to your post on occasion - 'specially during those moments where Im feelin' puffy and bloaty and [sigh] dare I say it? ... CHUNKY! Like this week, to be specific.
Thanks for the kind words - it's much appreciated.
I see you FINALLY got around to posting a photo too. Damn woman, you are quite the beauty, just gorgeous!
Yes, that came complete with a whistle and a howl.
Enjoy your day - Lei

Hey Lei...
I would have thanked you yesterday, but the forces of evil working within the boards kept kicking me out...maybe I should take the hint!
Thanks for your kind words...
From one hot WLS post op to another...we know about the benefits with regard to health, co-morbs, yada, yada...but hell, looking good is half the battle!
Cold, windy, chance of snow...****
Hey girlfriend!
I have not been on here forever and got onto tell everyone Hi and could not find anyone I knew but Tooter. I just started checking out other boards to find a place to hang out. Someone asked about the WLS grads board and I didn't know one existed. I thought I would check it out as I am finally at goal. This seems to be where everyone has gone! How are you doing! I actually was going to write a few folks and say Hi and did not know about the BIG change that wiped out just about everything until yesterday. I have the same problem, everyone is gone. It sucks!