Can't Believe I Dumped!
Sixteen months into this and I was blithely eating turkey for lunch when all he** broke loose in my body. I had eaten maybe three ounces of plain cooked turkey - nice and moist, well chewed and all that - when it felt like I had swallowed a razor blade. I stopped eating to figure out what was going the old days I'd have kept eating knowing it would pass...and the pain just got worse! Then stomach and abdominal cramps, hot and cold flashes and nausea. Didn't
but wanted to curl into a ball. Oh my. I dumped once - had a slice of bacon and some fake pancake syrup. Have never eaten either again. Anyway, I'm just whining because I was sure that I was "out of the woods" on dumping...on protein no less. Guess there is no out of the woods - not complaining, just observing.

That IS Odd!
I have that "hair trigger" dumpng syndrome
And have never had turkey do me in.
The "fake pancake syrup?"
Got me ONCE.
Nothing on the turkey sandwich?
Pork will sometimes cause me pain
And even "plug" my stoma,
But never dumped from such.
Steer clear of that turkey, huh?
Hope you are feeling better soon.
Best Wishes-
I can totally relate!
I dumped a few days ago for only the second time in my 4.25 years post op on friggin' grilled chicken! I typically stay away from anything grilled because I have found that grilling changes the overall texture of foods in a way that sends my digestion down a spiraling path to hell. But due to bad planning (...and I am the queen of "failing to plan is planning to fail" militant meal planners society), I was hungry, desperate and ordered the wrong thing.
After making hurling love to my toilet, all I wanted to do was take a hot shower and cleanse my soul...and there was no ho****er!!! Frea****urrance as we have 2 water heaters...must have been a phantom wind that blew out 2 pilot lights...or a mouse with wolf envy (a la huffing and puffing and blowing that pilot light out).
I learned my lesson...stick to my plan or vomit in a toilet and chase my misery with an ice cold shower.
Sometimes they add things like honey or sugar to the turkey in our Deli. Maybe that's why you had a problem. It's hard to imagine dumping on protein.
I'm fortunate in that I've never dumped in 22 months. I use to think it was a bad thing. I really wanted to dump on sweets, but now that I'm at goal it's good to know I don't have to be concerned on the rare occasions that I do want to eat something like honey baked turkey.
You can whine to us anytime. It's not fun to be sick and we all deserve to get some sympathy out of it. Hope you are feeling better.