i posted this on main message boards
OK this is going to be a little long winded but what the heck..im even typing this on my word thingy on my computer so I can copy n paste it to this post..ill even spell check it that's how serious IM being about what IM going to write.
I have been on Amos for 4 years and believe it or not I used to lurk..i never posted I would lurk get as much information as I could then I started posting ..
I come across some posts saying there are cliques here..no there not ..At one time there was a very tight group of friends and we would post have a blast the old message boards were not like the ones today..you didn't reply you just posted a post and it would go back and forth.
there is no such thing as a cligue you make freinds good for you you want to get involved with people that dont mean you are in a cligue.
I was going thru some old posts its funny you hit a search button on someone who posts you see *****plied and ect and ect..
Maybe IM one of the last few oldies who comes here with the exception of Tooter and Delores. My God I cant believe how many peoples names popped up when I was searching the old posts..alot of good people who left this site because of their advice.
i still keep in touch with a lot of old timers from here but a lot left because if they posted to a post they would get a e mail saying you think you know it all. No they don't no one knows it all nowll.but if someone reply's to a posts thinks they are helping and you don't like what advice they give don't bash them send a nasty e mail saying what are you a now it all..
this post isn't meant to be bashing but i feel i need to say this and its coming from the bottom of my heart.
seriously when you read the message boards and the reply's how many old timers have been replying? not to many have they?
another thing if you want to say gain weight for surgery or get plastics ..Be careful what you say on line.
This is a public message board don't you think that insurance companies, doctors and shrinks read these boards?..off course they do..
you can screw yourself so my take keep it to your self if you don't meet the criteria for wls and plastics
Another thing I find most of you people looking into surgery and new pre-ops your surgeon didn't give you a good eating plan..its not your fault ..do yourselves af aver no one on here is a bona fide nutrionist..we can tell you what our doctors said but what one surgeon says another one is differnt..every doctor has a different protocol ..go see a nutrionist you be surprised how much help that is..
And if you are having problems with the reality of this surgery mourning food its OK but if a depression kicks in go see a therapist..
Food has been a big part of all our lives including me..i still have food issues I love food..im no saint ive fallen off the wagon a few times ..IM a food aholic.like a drug addict and alcoholic food is my drug of choice..
I had surgery on my stomach not my head..
OK who cares what kind of surgery you have ? ryn lap band distal just support each other..i drive a dodge you drive a chevy you drive a ford..its a choice we personally take ..
No one surgery is better than the other..
as long as we have no complications and were getting healthy more power to us..its all good..
Well, IM going to end this and get the lawn chair ..
This post was in no way to hurt any ones feelings this has been building up and I feel I needed to say this..
and to the drama queens if your going to leave don't make a big post about it just leave..take a break from the boards ..if some one don't agree with what you have to say that don't mean that you gotta leave.just take a break..we all get like that ..i took a break for a while because i found the boards were getting nutty so instead of making an announcement IM leaving i just chilled out..
well everyone have a great Saturday night enjoy it
love yas
lifes a ride enjoy it

We have the same thing going on in the Delaware boards...I got on my soapbox too! You aren't going to please everyone and why should you? People fade in and out on this board. Its life and we deal with it right?
I just wanted you to know I have always appreciated your posts! You helped me alot in the beginning of the post op life. You keep me reading even now!
Hope you had a good Saturday....I know I did after I got a few Zzzz's.
I, too, was a lurker. Then I started to post and got some really NASTY e-mail. Life's too short for that, you know? I have friends and family that love and support me and I am a kind and decent person, not "a perfect know-it-all" as one person called me. Ha! Shows you she doesn't know me at all!!!
Anyway, I am back to lurking for the most part, giving hugs now and again, trying to be supportive but keeping my fingers still on any kind of advice. I was no expert, but I did have the same surgery as other people...
Anyway, JoAnn, your posts are always fun and interesting, often irreverent and some of my favorites. Like you, in my less than two years, there are lots of MIA's. Sad. Oh, well, we have to take care of ourselves first and foremost on this surgery thing (was that set-up for nasty e-mails? not here, I hope) because no one else will. Thanks for your posts and keep it up, sweetie!

Hi Sweetie!
Nice to see your smiling face.
You are right. It is not the same, but I am still here and still learn every day. I miss the days when I could feel helpful on this site. Life starts to pull you away when you have less issues to discuss. I am a huge WLS cheerleader and promote the surgery to many pre-ops in the cardiology practice where I work. I try to spread a positive image for post-ops by going by the rules and not beating myself up when I don't follow them precisely. I am proud of how far we have come in the last three years and hope we will remain friends. I will never forget you or any of the wonderful WLS friends from the old days, but I sure miss you guys. It gives me great joy when I see some of them pop up.
Have a great holiday season and let us know everything that is going on!
HUGS...to you sweet Bella.