What is your goal today?
Hi everybody,I hope you are all doing well today.My goals today are lots and lots of water.And then later it is to take my kids to thier Dad's for the weekend and then to relax the rest of the weekend and to just enjoy myself.I have no housework to do because I got it all caught up yesterday.And I am sorry to say but I will not be posting this again until Monday because I will not be home but if anyone would like to volunteer for the weekend just send me a email and let me know ok.Well have a great weekend everyone and be good and safe!!!
My goal is to complete 5 quilts today.
My mom and I are spearheading a project to make 30 quilts for the 30 children *****side in a local shelter for Christmas.
I have completed 3 quilt tops today and am about to start on the 4th... after that, I am headed to DC to go to Horace and Dickies for fish as a treat !