Advice? and Tek is too funny!
2 days in a row,
Tek is killing me out on the MainBoard.
Some people will "P" in the pool,
But Tek
Would do it from the Diving Board!
Gotta Love the Bold!
He didn't in anyway "Cause" the ruckus,
But he did shine a light on it.
Although it illuminated some things for me,
I don't know if many got a better view as a result.
Most acted like baby ducks
Who've just learned a shark was swimming among them.
He was even called a Piranha, a Bully, and late in the evening
Both a Ham, and through inference, a Pig.
(although that was unclear if they meant him or me.)
I have always thought the folks who go with the-
"That's why I stay away from the MainBoard..." approach,
Were just too easily jaded.
They were being a little to "Persnickity,"
And that they shouldn't avoid the Main-Board,
Because they have so much Rationality, to offer.
I often wanted to broach the subject and try to convince
Some of you to "get over it"
And Post on the Main-Board More!
I apologize completely!
For ever thinking that!
Jay, You've lead the way!
One Too Many-
"My Surgery is 3 days from now
And I'm on a mandatory Clear Liquids diet from my Dr.
Just ate Some Taco Bell!
And think that just a little the next few days
Couldn't hurt! Will they be able to tell?
Really, What could they do about it."
"My surgery is in 4 days,
And I've already scheduled to party
With friends the following week.
If I drink just a few Mixed drinks
That should be OK!
I've already made the plans, Sheeeesh!"
"My surgeon is a man.
I hate this because my PCP, and Gynecologist are Women.
My surgeon has all of these "rules" and is just so ****y
About telling me what I should do after surgery!
I wish I had a Good surgeon."
"I'm 2 days out of surgery
And the Dr. has "recommended"
That I stick to Liquids this week.
How bad would it be to have just a few bites of a burger and fries-
As long as I chew them into liquid. Right?"
"I'm home from the hospital yesterday, and Just eating bread
With peanut butter on it is making me sick.
My Dr. has totally screwed Me up. Right?"
So My answer?
I think it may have to be YES!
YES, get your advice on how to "drink from the cup"
From those who are still looking for the handle,
YES, Your Dr.s Are Idiots,
YES, You should ignore their controlling advice,
YES, Don't trust your Drs. any further than you can throw them,
YES, You can eat what you want,
YES, should anything not work out,
It will be "Their" Fault,
Yes, Yes, Yes.............
So Many are not asking for advice or info,
Mostly confirmation of decisions already made.
I'm not going to make a dramatic exit,
I get paid when I work on Drama!
I'll just slowly evaporate.
Dame T, you truly are a Saint to keep it up.
My Local Mississippi folks are still Sweeties,
This Board, and the Guys out on the Men's Board?
I'll still haunt these locales,
But I think I'm becoming Convinced
To pack it up and move my business to the suburbs!
It could just be the "Relaxed Pain..."
Advice? Truly!
I'm not looking for Confirmation of a Decision made,
Still in process......
Best Wishes-

on 11/10/05 12:46 pm
on 11/10/05 12:46 pm
I've tried to stick to one self-impossed rule for the main board --- if someone states something and doesn't ask for an opinion then I keep my opinions/advice to myself. On that same note if someone asks for blessings to waiver from his or her doctor's protocol I just keep my mouth shut.
I remember once asking if anyone knew the caloric content of a Gas-X and someone responded with "if you're eating enough for the calories to amount to anything you have some serious issues. There's no reason for you to need to know the calories otherwise." My response was a true Southern Belle response, "Well, bless your heart, you poor thing... you MUST have misread my post. I wasn't asking for unsolicited advice, admonishments or opinions; I was merely asking for a factual piece of information."
p.s. Oh, and I would just LOVE to one time be able to upload a music file to a post when a DQ says "Bye, I'm Leaving This Place!" I would have a clip from Hello Dolly singing "Good-bye, Good-bye, Good-bye, ...
So wave your little hand and whisper so long dearie... dearie, should have said so long so long ago..."

Hello Dolly Lyrics!!
Now Scads of Exit Tunes
Are filling my head!!!!
I will follow in your example.
If someone asks for info that I have,
I'll pass it on,
If I see it.
I'll Let Dogs Lie!
To many requests for Waivers,
Vouchers, Absolutions,
Vindication, Validation,
Exemptions, Immunity, etc...
I don't have those to give.
And too tired to explain why not.
I do know how much protein
Is in an Eggplant though.
Maybe that'll be my niche.
Now I've got a "Stuck In My Head" tune playing over and over!!
"So Long, Farewell, Aveda sien Good night...."
Best Wishes-

on 11/10/05 9:03 pm
on 11/10/05 9:03 pm
Perhaps we should all pull together and form an opposite version of Welcome Wagon... maybe the Good-Bye Group? We could all come up with our best exit tune lyrics to post. That way we could give these ladies a fabulous, heartfelt send-off every time they stomp their little feet and tell us they're outta here, bless their hearts.
DeeDee (who's never seen a male post an exit scene threat)

Nope, the Men just exit.
And rather often I might add.
Stuper Mario?
Jessie Lewis Jr.? by the way,
Anyone hear how his wife is doing.
That was a constant downhill trip
When I saw him out here last about
4 months ago.
I'm not out of here yet,
But I think I'm gonna choose my fishin' holes
With more scrutiny and Thought.
Best Wishes-
Wow. I hope it is the relaxed pain.
You might remember that we had a "conversation" about this very topic the other night and I applauded your ability to show how "helpful and eloquent can be wrapped up in the same package." I still do admire that trait in you Dx and hope you'll continue to share your wisdom and experience with those who seek guidance from those who have been there-done that.
.....hoping for a speedy recovery from your mystery pain,
Thanks La,
Still somedays, I want to reply in a manner
That would make Delores and Stupor Mario both
"Hey, take it easy!
There's Blunt and then there's BLUNT!"
(Delores you know I love you Sweetie.
You have tickled me reading posts
For long before I joined AMOS.
You can cut to the chase
Better than anyone I've seen out here,
And smell BS at quite a distance.
And it's not that I do a lot of "Tongue Biting."
This site has been free Therapy for me.
I usually do see things from different viewpoints.
But running up on more and more people
Without Vision,
Starts wearing me down.
And It probably is my "Mystery Pain."
Experience alone has made me good
At the whole Hospital Thing,
But Dang!!!!
I'd like just one Thanksgiving in 3 years to be
Something other than me
Talking my son through
How to make dressing
Over the Phone.
This University schedule puts all "procedures"
In the "Breaks."
Best Wishes-