Update on "the Thorn in my side!"
Hey Dx,
Be careful with those muscle relaxers. I never thought they were affecting me (took them every day for muscle spasms in my back****il one day I was driving home from work, same route I take every day, and all of a sudden I didn't know where I was. Didn't recognize any landmarks or anything. I was freaked out until I finally recognized some shops. I got home and read up on the side affects, one of which was memory loss. I definitely cut back then, only took them when I had a spasm after that.
Good luck to you with the pain management, I hope it clears up soon.
See, I thought it was probably muscular, but I didn't post cuz I thought I might get flamed and I am not up to it this week.....
After reading your profile I didn't think you had any internal organs left so it had to be muscular..... lol
You were probably strutting your skinny buns around Northern Mississippi just a little too much...one wrong move can throw a body out of whack!!! And then pooooffff, you're get prescription drugs that make you feel like a rock star....
Quick, before you come down, put on some Moody Blues.... Knights in White Satin.... Oh man..the good ole days.....
Try to enjoy the free ride.....
Laurie - minus 170 lbs!!
Today, I'm a little more accustomed
To the "Feeling" from the Flexeril.
I've Jettisoned Most of the Superfluous
When it comes to "innards."
No flaming on this Board.
I got every recommendation it Could have been,
And still some of those may be the Real answer,
Just "Hoping!!, Hoping!!" it's the muscular thing.
Best Wishes-