Update on "the Thorn in my side!"
Hey Ya'll!
Thanks for all of the suggestions
And support last night.
We'll I went to the Doc.
After much "Laying on of Hands"
Poking and Prodding, his best guess
Was "Muscular."
He explained that due to all of my complications
And removals of "Extras" and necrotic tissues that
Were once muscles and connective tissues,
My anatomy is bizarre at best.
Something about no "midline connection"
And a Non-Symmetrical placement of
So he's given me a script for a muscle-relaxer
And I'm as Stoned as Keith Richards Tonight.
And it was in this state
That I wandered out onto the main-board
To play in the Shenanigans
Of a Restaurant Card, 3 Act Melodrama!
Tek kills me
Now, my pain?
I think it's still there,
But right now I'm a few yards past loopy
So I really can't care.
Thanks again for all of the advice,
But I think I'm going with Delores on this.
Thanks Hon,
I Swear I hope you are Completely Wrong!
The doc said "let's try this (muscle relaxer) First
And if this doesn't improve the situation
We'll go in for a CT.
I'm So Hoping he's right!
But it just doesn't feel like a pulled muscle at all.
A Cracked rib maybe,
Just about 5 inches too low to be a rib.
McRib maybe......
I explained to him
That I haven't done anything strenuous lately,
I left out the part wher I qualified "Lately"
As in "The last 8 years...."
I should know something in a week.
10mgs of Flexeril has me flying for now.....
Thanks again,
Best Wishes-